這是愛爾蘭著名女歌手Sinead O'Connor (謝妮德-奧康娜) 的轉型之作。在她做了母親之後,她充滿母愛的歌曲一掃過去憤怒反叛的“光頭妹”形象。皈依天主教、為兒子寫歌、歌頌宇宙母親的博愛情懷,這些舉動讓她長出一點頭髮的形象也籠罩了一層溫情的光環。
- 外文名稱:This Is to Mother You
- 歌曲原唱:Sinead O'Connor
This is to mother you Sinead O' Cornner
This is to mother you
To comfort you and get you through
Through when your nights are lonely
Through when your dreams are only blue
This is to mother you
This is to be with you
To hold you and to kiss you too
For when you need me I will do
What your own mother didn't do
Which is to mother you
All the pain that you have known
All the violence in your soul
All the 'wrong' things you have done
I will take from you when I come
All mistakes made in distress
All your unhappiness
I will take away with my kiss, yes
I will give you tenderness
For child I am so glad I've found you
Although my arms have always been around you
Sweet bird although you did not see me
I saw you And I'm here to mother you
To comfort you and get you through
Through when your nights are lonely
Through when your dreams are only blue
This is to mother you