《This Is Orson Welles》是由Clara Kuperberg、Julia Kuperberg自編自導的一部紀錄片。
- 中文名:This Is Orson Welles
- 類型:紀錄片
- 製片地區:法國
- 導演:Clara Kuperberg / Julia Kuperberg
- 編劇:Clara Kuperberg / Julia Kuperberg
- 對白語言:英語
When I was 10 I watched this movie and loved it. When I was 20, I loved it more. This is an almost unknown gem of Soviet cinema, and now I enjoy it even more. The movie is not only a very funny comedy with excellent children and adult actors, but a perfect parody of Soviet life, of the relationship between society and Soviet power. The leader of the camp is so stupid and suspic..