The World Is Black

Good Charlotte創作英語歌曲。


  • 外文名稱:The World Is Black
Turn on channel seven at a quarter to eight【8點差一刻調到7屏道】
You see the same damn thing【你看到同樣該死的事情】
It's just a different day and【只是不同的日期】
No one really knows why this is happening【沒人真正知道這為什麼會發生】
But it's happening【但是它在發生】
And everywhere you go it's just a different place【你去的任何地方只是地點不同】
You get the same dark feeling【你感到心情同樣灰暗】
See the same sad faces【看見同樣哀傷的面孔】
No one really cares that this is happening【沒人真正在意這在發生】
We come into this world【我們來到這個世界】
And we all are the same【我們都一樣】
In that moment there's no one to blame【在那個時刻沒有可以責備的人】
But the world is black【但是世界是黑的】
And hearts are cold【心是冷的】
And there's no hope【沒有希望】
That's what we're told【我們被如此告知】
And we can't go back【我們不能返回過去】
It won't be the same【不再一樣】
Forever changed【永遠改變了】
By the things we say, say【經歷一切之後我們說】
Living in this place it's always been this way【活在這地方總是這樣】
There's no one doing nothing【沒人不做事】
So there's nothing changed【所以什麼也不改變】
And I can't live when this world just keeps dying【當這個世界與死亡無異,我活不下去】
It's dying【與死亡無異】
People always tell me this is part of the plan【人們總告訴我這是應該發生的】
That God's got everybody in his hands【上帝將一切掌握在他手中】
But I can only pray that God is listening【我只能祈禱上帝在聽】
Is he listening?【他在聽嗎?】
We're living in this world【我們活在這個世界】
Growing colder everyday【每天都變得更冷】
Nothing can stay perfect now I say【現在我說沒什麼能保持完美】
But the world is black【但是世界是黑的】
And hearts are cold【心是冷的】
And there's no hope【沒有希望】
That's what we're told【我們被如此告知】
And we can't go back【我們不能返回過去】
It won't be the same【不再一樣】
Forever changed【永遠改變了】
By the things we say, say, say【經歷一切之後我們說】
We come into this world【我們來到這個世界】
And we all are the same【我們都一樣】
And in that moment there's no one to blame【在那個時刻沒有可以責備的人】
But we're living in this world【我們活在這個世界】
Growing colder everyday【每天都變得更冷】
Nothing can stay perfect now I say【現在我說沒什麼能保持完美】
The world is black【世界是黑的】
And hearts are cold【心是冷的】
There's no hope【沒有希望】
That's what we're told【我們被如此告知】
And we can't go back(We can't go back)【我們不能返回過去】
It won't be the same(It won't be the same)【不再一樣】
Forever changed(What will ever change)【永遠改變了】
By the things we say, say, say【經歷一切之後我們說】
Turn on channel seven at a quarter to eight【8點差一刻調到7屏道】
You see the same damn thing【你看到同樣該死的事情】
It's just a different day【只是日期不同】
And no one really knows why this is happening【沒人真正知道這為什麼會發生】


