Shine Dión是來自
曼陀林(類似中國的琵琶)、三角鐵、美樂特朗(一電子琴) 、木吉他。其中Janne Hansen(很溫暖的女聲)是主唱兼歌詞創作,Per Selor則主作曲和吉他彈奏。
Shine Dion的音樂結合了挪威和愛爾蘭的民歌曲調,歌曲的靈感通常都是來自挪威當地的神話,傳說及風土人情。他們的音樂成功實現了古典和現代的結合,從中我們可以感受到田園般的寧靜,靈魂的脆弱,及時間的無涯。
Shine Dión在2002年2月發布了他們的第三張CD《WYN》。專輯名《Wyn》的含義是“給予,加護,對最高神明的接近。繼《Berkana》和《Killandra》之後的《WYN》是Shine Dion一次扣人心弦的新的遠航。該專輯一如既往地混合了
Shine Dion 1、Flowering
2、Mirror Lake
4、Moonlit Voice
5、Ocean Rose
6、The Land
7、The Valley’s Song
8、The Well
10、Waves Of Green
Shine Dion——《The Well》(井,水井)
By an old drinking well on the grass so green 一口古老的水井旁,青草如此之綠
I lay down and fell into a dream 我躺下,墜入夢境
By a strange mellow sound from a silver eyed bird 一隻銀色眼睛的小鳥,傳來奇妙圓潤的聲音
I opened my eyes but said no word 我靜靜睜開眼睛
On the pathway came walking a woman so bold
Behind her in silence went the old 身後無聲地跟著一位老人
Ahead ran the children with joyful cries 身前孩子們快樂地奔跑著叫喊著
Their faces were lifted to the sky 他們抬頭仰望天空
The woman's hair was raven and black as the night 女子的秀髮猶如黑夜
Covered with stars shining bright 夜的上空星光閃閃
As they passed by the well I saw that their eyes 當他們經過井旁,我發現他們的眼睛
Were flaming like many coloured ice 閃著七彩寒冰般的光
They passed by the well like a breeze pure and clean 他們飄過井旁,如清風般清新純淨
Soon they were nowhere to be seen 眨眼便無蹤無影
When I woke up alone on the grass so green 當我獨自醒來,身下碧草如茵
I looked into the well to catch the dream 我朝井裡觀望,想追回這場夢
The water was rising and I felt a chill 井水緩緩上漲,我感到一絲寒意
I willed the water to be still 我竭力想讓水平靜
There was a face in the mirror like a face out of time 井中倒映的臉龐,恍如隔世
The eyes held a shimmery shine 那眼中含著微微淚光
There was a face in the mirror and the face wasn't mine 井中卻已不是我昨日的模樣
The eyes held a shimmery shine 那眼中含著微微淚光
By an old drinking well on the grass so green 如茵綠草,繞井旁
I lay down and fell into a dream 我靜臥其上,入夢鄉
By a strange mellow sound from a silver eyed bird 枝上銀眼雀 ,叫聲亮,且婉轉
I opened my eyes but said no word 我睜眼,無語獨茫然
On the pathway came walking a woman so bold 懵然間,小徑上,走來一位落落大方的姑娘
Behind her in silence went the old 瞥見,她身後,有位老人默默不語,站在路中央
Ahead ran the children with joyful cries 孩子們,嬉戲歡笑,跑在路的前方
Their faces were lifted to the sky 天邊的夕陽,映在他們昂起的臉上
The woman's hair was raven and black as the night 姑娘的頭髮,烏黑似就要到來的夜晚
Covered with stars shining bright 幽幽間還閃著星的光芒
As they passed by the well I saw that their eyes 當他們經過井旁,我看到他們的目光
Were flaming like many coloured ice 如寒冰,在夕陽下泛著五彩斑斕
They passed by the well like a breeze pure and clean 好像清涼的風,掠過老井旁
Soon they were nowhere to be seen 轉瞬間,不見他們去時的方向,唯有晚風在耳畔
When I woke up alone on the grass so green 我醒來,碧草萋萋如綠洲,還是昔時樣
I looked into the well to catch the dream 我朝井裡望,煙波何茫茫,那裡有握不到的夢想
The water was rising and I felt a chill 井水漲,寒意蒙心上
I willed the water to be still 我願井水清且靜,不出聲響,照出日暮中的故鄉
There was a face in the mirror like a face out of time 但見,井中有張滄桑的臉龐,依稀映出舊時的模樣
The eyes held a shimmery shine 眼中含著微微淚光
There was a face in the mirror and the face wasn't mine 歲月改變了,井中影,鏡中花
The eyes held a shimmery shine 只剩下,眼中隱隱的淚光
札記: 因為喜歡愛爾蘭風笛,才聽了這首歌,誠如歌曲介紹的那樣(從中我們可以感受到田園般的寧靜,靈魂的脆弱,及時間的無涯),聽完歌曲後,心中悵然若有所失,平添了一絲歲月難再、世事茫然的空幻。過往的一幕幕在眼前回放,想到了:物是人非、鶴去樓空、煙波江上愁;想到了:夕陽落山、黑夜來臨、鳥兒歸巢、舟要歸航、遊子要歸鄉;想到了: “黃鶴樓中吹玉笛,江城五月落梅花”;想到了:“任地老天荒、纏綿不斷,無非是在心中藏著一口井,還有井上隱隱的淚光”。
By an old drinking well on the grass so green
I lay down and fell into a dream
By a strange mellow sound from a silver eyed bird
I opened my eyes but said no word
On the pathway came walking a woman so bold
Behind her in silence went the old
Ahead ran the children with joyful cries
Their faces were lifted to the sky
The woman's hair was raven and black as the night
Covered with stars shining bright
As they passed by the well I saw that their eyes
Were flaming like many coloured ice
They passed by the well like a breeze pure and clean
Soon they were nowhere to be seen
When I woke up alone on the grass so green
I looked into the well to catch the dream
The water was rising and I felt a chill
I willed the water to be still
There was a face in the mirror like a face out of time
The eyes held a shimmery shine
There was a face in the mirror and the face wasn't mine
The eyes held a shimmery shine