The Unravelers

The Unravelers

《The Unravelers》是2008年7月22日A K Peters, Ltd.出版的圖書,作者是Dars, Jean-francois (EDT)、Lesne, Annick (EDT)、Papillault, Anne (EDT)。


  • 中文名:The Unravelers
  • 作者:Dars, Jean-francois (EDT)、Lesne, Annick (EDT)、Papillault, Anne (EDT)
  • 出版社:A K Peters, Ltd.
  • ISBN:9781568814414


Through revealing photographs and accompanying text, this book offers an enchanting and beautiful glimpse into the inner life of the Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques (IHES). The IHES in France is an institute of advanced research in mathematics and theoretical physics with an interest in epistemology and the history of science. It provides exceptionally gifted scientists with a place where they can devote themselves entirely to their research, free of teaching and administrative constraints, and offers them the opportunity to invite visitors with whom they wish to work.


Prologue / vii
Michael Atiyah - Dreams / 1
Interval / 2
Alain Connes - Pitiless Reality / 3
Dirk Kreimer - From Tasmania with Love / 15
Karen Yeats - Puzzles / 19
Paulo Almeida - Structured Fury / 21
Ngô Bao Châu - A Tartar Desert / 24
Paul-Oliver Dehaye - Exoticism / 28
Entr'acte / 30
Sophie de Buyl - Curiosity / 36
Thibault Damour - The Paving Stones of the Route de Charres / 39
Pause / 42
Cécile DeWitt - From 1948 to the Present Day / 43
Yvonne Choquet-Bruhat - Knowing, Understanding, Discovering / 47
Arndt Benecke - Farewell to Alexander's Sword / 51
Interlude / 53
Annick Lesne - Dialogue on the Scales of Life / 54
Teatime / 58
Nikita Nekrasov - Lost in Translation / 60
Yiannis Vlassopoulos - Thought Technology: The Pursuit of Structure / 68
Ivan Todorov - Mathematical Physics / 72
Anna Wienhard - In Praise of Tautology / 74
Giovanni Landi - New Worlds / 75
Pierre Deligne - The Music Pavilion / 77
Claire Voisin - Long Live the Whale / 79
Jean-Marc Deshouillers - What Does One Write on It? / 80
Pierre Cartier - Solidarity / 84
Ali Chamseddine - North-South / 91
Christophe Breuil - Privilege / 93
Laurent Berger - What Do Mathematicians Do? / 96
Matilde Lalin - Fractalitas / 100
Jürgen Jost - Mathematics, Biology and Neurobiology / 102
Henry Tuckwell - Mathematics in the Biological Sciences / 104
Intermezzo / 107
Katia Consani - The Unravelers / 108
Oscar Lanford - Long Live the Machine / 111
Jürgen Frölich - Arriving in Paradise / 114
Sylvie Paycha - Go to the Board! / 120
Dennis Sullivan - Lunch at IHES (1975-1995) / 122
Jacques Tits - Happy Day at Bures-sur-Yvette in the Sixties / 124
Wendy Lowen - The Flowers of Maths / 127
Michael Berry - The Arcane in the Mundane / 129
Nathalie Deruelle - Allegory / 130
Coffee break / 132
Minoru Wakimoto - Correspondence / 140
Victor Kac - Ilan / 145
Mikhail Gromov - The Four Mysteries of the World / 148
Étienne Ghys - Flashes / 152
David Eisenbud - State of Grace / 157
Christophe Soulé - Violins / 159
Matilde Marcolli - Mathematics as Culture and Knowledge / 160
Alessandra Carbone - A Question of Time / 165
Jean-François Méla - "The Times, They Are A-changing" / 168
Jean-Pierre Bourguignon - The Vision / 170
Denis Auroux - Taming Mathematics / 174
Alexandr Usnich - Three Lights / 177
Maxim Kontsevitch - Beyond Numbers / 180
Photographs / 185
Thank You for Everything / 196
Index / 197

