The Story of the Human Body

The Story of the Human Body

《The Story of the Human Body》是Vintage Books出版的圖書,作者是Daniel E. Lieberman


  • ISBN:9780307741806
  • 作者:Daniel E. Lieberman
  • 出版社:Vintage Books
  • 出版時間:2014年7月1日
  • 頁數:460
  • 定價:USD 15.95
  • 裝幀:Paperback
In this landmark book of popular science, Daniel E. Lieberman gives us a lucid and engaging account of how the human body evolved over millions of years. He illuminates the major transformations that contributed to key adaptations to the body: the rise of bipedalism; the shift to a non-fruit-based diet; the advent of hunting and gathering; and how cultural changes like the Agri...(展開全部) In this landmark book of popular science, Daniel E. Lieberman gives us a lucid and engaging account of how the human body evolved over millions of years. He illuminates the major transformations that contributed to key adaptations to the body: the rise of bipedalism; the shift to a non-fruit-based diet; the advent of hunting and gathering; and how cultural changes like the Agricultural and Industrial Revolutions have impacted us physically. He shows how the increasing disparity between the jumble of adaptations in our Stone Age bodies and advancements in the modern world is occasioning a paradox: greater longevity but increased chronic disease. And finally—provocatively—he advocates the use of evolutionary information to help nudge, push, and sometimes even compel us to create a more salubrious environment and pursue better lifestyles. ·哈佛大學人類進化生物學教授,人類進化生物學系主任。 ·1964年出生於美國麻省,1993年獲哈佛大學人類學博士學位。 ·研究領域橫跨古生物學、解剖學、生理學、實驗生物力學等多個學科。在研究方法上,既注重實驗室研究,也頻繁到野外進行考察。 ·在人腦進化領域取得巨大成就,2011年出版了權威著作《人腦的進化》(The Evolution of the Human Head)。 ·對跑鞋引起的損傷問題有深入研究,倡導和踐行“赤足跑”,是跑圈內赫赫有名的“赤足教授”(The Barefoot Professor)。 ·從進化的視角研究人類的健康與疾病,認為糖尿病等現代疾病的增加是緩慢進化的身體和文化進化的衝擊共同所導致。 ·2009年,獲得Everett Mendelsohn 卓越導師獎;2010-2015年,榮獲 “哈佛學院教授”稱號。


