"The Stone Child" tells the story of an 11-year-old Lakota Sioux boy and his journey to find a home. After a painful divorce, Mathew's world is fractured by the resentments of a bitter father and a mother hiding behind a haze of anti-depressants and denial. From household to household, but never home, Mathew travels his world tirelessly seeking the acceptance of others. Finally, desperate acts bring him face to face with his own inner strengths, and with this discovery come the tools to build a kind of home only before glimpsed in dreams. Out of a world of despair, "The Stone Child" reconstructs the most inspirational tale - the greatest gift to hope and humanity -- the development of a child.
角色 | 演員 | 配音 |
Bear | 格雷厄姆·格林 | |
Ray | 埃里克·施維克 | |
Roger | 西蒙·巴克 | |
Richard | Kevin Allesee | |