The Sound of the Mountain

The Sound of the Mountain

《The Sound of the Mountain》是Vintage出版的圖書,作者是Y. Kawabata


  • ISBN:9780679762645
  • 作者:Y. Kawabata
  • 出版社:Vintage
  • 出版時間:1996年5月28日
  • 頁數:276
  • 定價:GBP 7.95
  • 裝幀:Paperback
Nobel Prize winner Yasunari Kawabata’s The Sound of the Mountain is a beautiful rendering of the predicament of old age — the gradual, reluctant narrowing of a human life, along with the sudden upsurges of passion that illuminate its closing. By day Ogata Shingo, an elderly Tokyo businessman, is troubled by small failures of memory. At night he associates the distant rumb...(展開全部) Nobel Prize winner Yasunari Kawabata’s The Sound of the Mountain is a beautiful rendering of the predicament of old age — the gradual, reluctant narrowing of a human life, along with the sudden upsurges of passion that illuminate its closing. By day Ogata Shingo, an elderly Tokyo businessman, is troubled by small failures of memory. At night he associates the distant rumble he hears from the nearby mountain with the sounds of death. In between are the complex relationships that were once the foundations of Shingo’s life: his trying wife; his philandering son; and his beautiful daughter-in-law, who inspires in him both pity and the stirrings of desire. Out of this translucent web of attachments, Kawabata has crafted a novel that is a powerful, serenely observed meditation on the relentless march of time. 川端康成,1899年6月11日生於大阪,幼時父母相繼過逝,由祖父扶養成人。川端小時候因祖父、父親皆為漢醫,在耳濡目染下,受到中國文化的影響相當深遠,在他的文學作品中,可以看到中國文化背景的痕跡。川端大學畢業之後,擔任「文藝春秋」編輯委員,1926年他的成名著作《伊豆的舞孃》在「文藝春秋」連載。1949發表《千羽鶴》,他因此作品獲得「藝術院獎」。1934年開始陸續發表《南方之火》、《淺草祭》、《雪國》等作品,1956年,他的作品《雪國》被譯為英文,在美國發行,《千羽鶴》被譯成德文,在德國出版。1968年川端以《雪國》、《千羽鶴》、《古都》獲得諾貝爾文學獎。川端是第一個獲得諾貝爾文學獎的日本人,在亞洲是第二人。前印度詩人泰戈爾為亞洲第一人,而泰戈爾能用英文寫作,易為西方評審接受,川端則只用日文寫作,能夠獲此殊榮,意義確實不凡。


