The Saving Grace

《The Saving Grace》是Christy Cabanne執導的電影,由Fred Burns、Dorothy Gish等主演,於1914年上映。


  • 外文名:The Saving Grace
  • 導演:Christy Cabanne
  • 編劇: Anita Loos
  • 主演:Fred Burns、Dorothy Gish
  • 上映時間:1914年


Molly Kite, the neglected child of a drunken father, rouses the sympathy of the minister, Mr. Shipton, who also teaches the school at Dead Tree. The minister-school-master persuades some of his parishioners to give the girl decent clothes, and he coaxes her into attending school. At first unruly and sullen, she gradually comes to feel that the minister is her best friend. One day she happens to see him meet a strange girl on the street. Apparently overjoyed, he kisses the stranger. Molly rushes into the house, tears off her new clothes, and vows she will never go to school again. Then her primitive jealousy aflame, she makes her drink-crazed father promise that he will aid her in a plot to kill the minister. The next day Mr. Shipton meets his wayward pupil, in answer to a note he has received from her in an out of the way place. Molly's father is lurking near with his gun. He threatens the minister's life, but, maudlin with drink, has not the will power to pull the trigger. Mr. Shipton talks to the man, calms him and at last takes him home. Meanwhile Molly has discovered that the girl of whom she was so bitterly jealous, is the minister's sister. She begs the minister's forgiveness.



--Fred Burns
--Dorothy Gish


Christy Cabanne Anita Loos


