The Red and the Black(1998年Oxford University Press出版的圖書)

The Red and the Black(1998年Oxford University Press出版的圖書)

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《The Red and the Black》是Oxford University Press出版的圖書,作者是Stendhal


  • ISBN:9780192838711
  • 作者:Stendhal
  • 出版社:Oxford University Press
  • 出版時間:1998年7月9日
  • 頁數:592
  • 定價:USD 9.95
  • 裝幀:Paperback
  • 叢書:Oxford World's Classics
The son of a carpenter, Julian Sorel is inspired by the writings of Napoleon to conquer the heights of society. His initial plan to work his way up through the church is, however, thwarted when he is forced to accept employment as a tutor--and this rash social entrepreneur certainly has not considered the dangers of falling in love. Stendhal's novel is an amusing and piquant s...(展開全部) The son of a carpenter, Julian Sorel is inspired by the writings of Napoleon to conquer the heights of society. His initial plan to work his way up through the church is, however, thwarted when he is forced to accept employment as a tutor--and this rash social entrepreneur certainly has not considered the dangers of falling in love. Stendhal's novel is an amusing and piquant study of hypocrisy and free will in post-Napoleonic France. 司湯達(1783年-1842年)是十九世紀法國傑出的批判現實主義作家。他的一生並不長,不到六十年,而且他在文學上起步很晚,三十幾歲才開始發表作品。然而,他卻給人類留下了巨大的精神遺產,包括數部長篇,數十個短篇或故事,數百萬字的文論、隨筆和散文,遊記。 他以準確的人物心理分析和凝練的筆法而聞名。他被認為是最重要和最早的現實主義的實踐者之一。最有名的作品是《紅與黑》(1830)和《巴馬修道院》(1839)。


