The Obvious Child

《The Obvious Child》是由Paul Simon演唱的歌曲,該歌曲收錄於Paul Simon1992年發行的專輯《The Paul Simon Anthology Cd2》中。


  • 中文名:The Obvious Child
  • 歌手Paul Simon
  • 發行時間:1999-11-02
  • 歌曲標籤:民謠搖滾 搖滾 


所屬專輯:《The Paul Simon Anthology Cd2》


I'm accustomed to a smooth ride
Or maybe i'm a dog who's lost its bite
I don't expect to be treated like a fool no more
I don't expect to sleep through the night
Some people say a lie's a lie's a lie
But i say why
Why deny the obvious child?
Why deny the obvious child?
And in remembering a road sign
I am remembering a girl when i was young
And we said these songs are true
These days are ours
These tears are free And hey
The cross is in the ballpark
The cross is in the ballpark
We had a lot of fun
We had a lot of money
We had a little son and we thought we'd call him sonny
Sonny gets married and moves away
Sonny has a baby and bills to pay
Sonny gets sunnier
Day by day by day by day
I've been waking up at sunrise
I've been following the light across my room
I watch the night receive the room of my day
Some people say the sky is just the sky
But i say
Why deny the obvious child?
Why deny the obvious child?
Sonny sits by his window and thinks to himself
How it's strange that some rooms are like cages
Sonny's yearbook from high school
Is down from the shelf
And he idly thumbs through the pages
Some have died
Some have fled from themselves
Or struggled from here to get there
Sonny wanders beyond his interior walls
Runs his hand through his thinning brown hair
Well i'm accustomed to a smoother ride
Maybe i'm a dog that's lost his bite
I don't expect to be treated like a fool no more
I don't expect to sleep the night
Some people say a lie is just a lie
But i say the cross is in the ballpark
Why deny the obvious child?


保羅·西蒙(Paul Simon),1941年10月13日生於美國新澤西州的紐瓦克,從小崇拜歌星普萊斯利,十一、二歲時開始學習唱歌和彈吉它,16歲時與中學同窗好友阿特·加芬克爾(Art Garfunkel)組成男聲二重唱,開始了早期的演唱生涯。後來西蒙進入大學學習法律,1964年從法學院退學隻身赴英國學習文學。


