The Mystics

The Mystics

《The Mystics》是2007年出版的圖書,作者是Thurston, Katherine Cecil。


  • 中文名:The Mystics
  • 作者:Thurston, Katherine Cecil
  • 頁數:212 頁
  • ISBN:9780548021965
"John," he said, tremulously, "I want you to swear to me by the Sign that you will not touch my body -- nor anything on my body -- till the Arch-Councillor comes Swear, as you hope for your own happiness " A wild illumination spread over his face; the unpleasant fanatical light showed again in his eyes. For a moment John looked at him; then stirred by his own emotions, by the new pang of self-reproach and gratitude towards this half-crazy man so near his end, he went forward and touched the small octagonal symbol that gleamed in the light. "I swear -- by the Sign " he said, in a low, level voice. And almost as the words escaped him, the chain slipped from old Henderson's fingers, his jaw dropped, and his head fell forward on his chest.


