歌曲信息 吉克雋逸以高亢又充滿張力的嗓音,將歌曲所要傳達的活力和熱情演繹得淋漓盡致。這首歌曲旋律明快,節想厚設捆奏感強,熱烈密集的鼓點極具感染力和生命力,傳遞給人簡單純粹的快樂的同時,又讓人感受到世界的寬廣戀格嘗和無限的可能,是一首非常適合在旅行路途中聽的歌。
這首歌更蘊含著勇敢無畏的冒險精神。旋律響起,仿佛有一種身披榮光、勇往直前的既視感,作為吉克雋逸《世界公主樂擔民》世界音樂習擔妹探索之旅的開篇之作,也表明了她自己的人生態度。正如歌詞所說:“We gonna find dem weh”,生命的意義在於無窮地探索尚未知道的東西,而探索歷程中的荊鞏己槳照棘和坎坷終將變成我們身上最閃耀的勳章,就像有了Magic一樣。
歌詞內容 Baby I'm only human when I'm layin' with you
With you I can go the distance
But maybe all this blue and bruisin is good enough to
Show you how I'm on a mission
Fyah fyah wu e wu e
We gonna find dem weh
Fyah fyah wu e wu e
We blazin afta da
Daya daya wu e wu e
We gonna find dem weh
Fyah fyah wu e wu e
We blazen magica
We blazen magica
Baby I'm only thinking about these moments with you
Takes two
We can go the distance
Pull me like a rubber band and I'll stretch to show you
Show you what's left I'm given'
Fyah fyah wu e wu e
We gonna find dem weh
Fyah fyah wu e wu e
We blazin afta da
Daya daya wu e wu e
We gonna find dem weh
Fyah fyah wu e wu e
We blazen magica
We blazen magica
How did you feel
Why did you go
When I was layin' next to you
Look at the red
Look at the blue
I'm only human when I'm with you
Fyah fyah wu e wu e
We gonna find dem weh
Fyah fyah wu e wu e
We blazin afta da
Daya daya wu e wu e
We gonna find dem weh
Fyah fyah wu e wu e
We blazen magica
We blazen magica
Daya daya wu e wu e
We gonna find dem weh
Fyah fyah wu e wu e
We blazen magica
We blazen magica
How did you feel
Why did you go
When I was layin' next to you
Look at the red
Look at the blue
I'm only human when I'm with you
Fyah fyah wu e wu e
We gonna find dem weh
Fyah fyah wu e wu e
We blazin afta da
Daya daya wu e wu e
We gonna find dem weh
Fyah fyah wu e wu e
We blazen magica
We blazen magica