The Lost Years(2007年Random House US出版社出版的圖書)

The Lost Years(2007年Random House US出版社出版的圖書)

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《The Lost Years》是2007年Random House US出版社出版的圖書,作者是Charles Enderlin。


  • 書名:The Lost Years
  • 作者:Charles Enderlin
  • 出版社:Random House US出版社 
  • ISBN:9781590511718 


"Enderlin meticulously chronicles the political and diplomaticimpasses...revealing the history of this former film noir throughinterviews with the men who were its lead actors." —Le Monde
From Ariel Sharon's ascent to power in February 2001 to theIsrael-Lebanon conflict in July 2006, the Middle East has seen themost murderous years of a feud which is, today, half a century old.After the monumental convergence of powers at Camp David, the worldwatched with bated breath as hope for a peaceful resolution to thelong, bitter dispute between Israel and Palestine was lost in thewake of the Intifada. Following years of searching for an end tothe bloodshed, how did the tragic blindness of both parties throwthis region into such chaos?
In The Lost Years, Charles Enderlin presents a scrupulous chronicleof the Israeli and Palestinian descent into hell. Political leadersand secret negotiators, military chiefs and CIA agents, Enderlinhas met them all–Israelis and Palestinians–and he accounts for allsides, including U.S. and international involvement. He trails thebad political calculations of the Palestinians, which led to thedefeat of Fatah and to the victory of the Islamists. And he exposesIsrael's unilateral political approach and new military doctrinesthat had disastrous consequences for both camps. Intifada,September 11th, war in Iraq, the construction of the wall, thewithdrawal from Gaza, the end of the reigns of the two oldenemies–Arafat and Sharon–the electoral victory of Hamas, and thewar in Lebanon; Enderlin reveals the implacable logic at workbehind the crucial events of a confused period. The Lost Years, thesequel to Enderlin's bestselling book, Shattered Dreams, is anessential work for those who try to understand without judging, butstill want to believe in peace.


Charles Enderlin
Charles Enderlin has been the Bureau Chief for France 2 since 1990. When Shattered Dreams (Other Press, 2003) was first published in France it was an immediate bestseller and led to a documentary series aired worldwide. The Lost Years also became the basis for a television documentary, “The Years of Blood,” to be aired in its American version by the Discovery Times Channel and in its international version by TV stations all over Europe. He has lived in Jerusalem since 1968.
Suzanne Verderber
Suzanne Verderber is Associate Professor of English and Humanities at Pratt Institute. She recently translated Jean-Michel Rabaté’s The Ethics of the Lie and Charles Enderlin's The Lost Years.


