The Little Drummer Girl

The Little Drummer Girl

《The Little Drummer Girl》是Scribner出版的圖書,作者是John le Carre


  • ISBN:9780743464659
  • 作者:John le Carre
  • 出版社:Scribner
  • 出版時間:2004年1月20日
  • 頁數:496
  • 定價:USD 15.00
  • 裝幀:Paperback
John le Carre has earned worldwide acclaim with novels that navigate the shadow worlds of espionage. In "The Little Drummer Girl," one of his most enduring works, le Carre took leave of the Circus, George Smiley, and all his people, and presented instead an original canvas that remains, two decades later, stunningly fresh and topical. It was then, and is now, a thrilling, movin...(展開全部) John le Carre has earned worldwide acclaim with novels that navigate the shadow worlds of espionage. In "The Little Drummer Girl," one of his most enduring works, le Carre took leave of the Circus, George Smiley, and all his people, and presented instead an original canvas that remains, two decades later, stunningly fresh and topical. It was then, and is now, a thrilling, moving, and courageous novel of Middle Eastern intrigue.Charlie is a promiscuous, unsuccessful, English actress in her twenties. Vacationing on the Greek island of Mykonos with friends, she longs for commitment. But to what? To whom? Intrigued by a handsome, solitary bather, Charlie finds herself lured into the "theatre of the real." For the mysterious man is Kurtz, an embattled Israeli intelligence officer out to stop the bombing of Jews in Europe. Forced to play her most challenging role, Charlie is plunged into a deceptive and delicate trap set to ensnare an elusive Palestinian terrorist...and soon proves herself a double agent of the highest order. 約翰•勒卡雷,原名大衛•約翰•摩爾•康納爾,英國間諜小說家。早年曾供職於英國情報部門,後開始以筆名創作小說。勒卡雷憑藉小說《柏林諜影》一舉成名,當時著名的小說家格雷厄姆•格林如此盛讚:“這是我讀過的最好的間諜小說!”從此奠定了文壇大師的地位。 勒卡雷一生得獎無數,1964年獲得英國毛姆獎,1965年獲美國推理作家協會的愛倫坡大獎,1988年更獲頒英國推理作家協會(CWA)終身成就獎(另外分別在1963年與1977年獲頒金匕首獎)等。2008年,在《時代》雜誌評選的“1945年以來最偉大的五十位英國作家”名單上,勒卡雷名列第22位。2011年,勒卡雷獲歌德學院頒發的歌德獎。 勒卡雷的作品不僅受到全球各大媒體的矚目與讀者的歡迎,更因充滿戲劇元素與張力,被多次翻拍成了影視劇。他的最新作品有《我們這樣的叛國者》、《微妙的真相》。


