早在2006就為他們自己打下了聲譽,這也是歌迷等了許久了他們的首張專輯,風格是garage punk,比起時下的英國新樂隊來說,他們的風格還是比較立異的. 整張專輯的歌曲都差不多3分鐘左右,除了第10首Gil Sleeping是一首純樂器演奏,我本身不是很哈這類的音樂,但是看看僅僅發了一張單曲就可以登上NME的封面,就知道他們有多么紅.早期他們也曾經發行了2張EP.
Formed by ace faces of the Southend and East London angular scene,The Horrors are a garage rock band that have released three singles for Loog and an EP in the US. They have already been on the front cover of NME,despite their singles being so limited that they are already considered collectors' items.
First single was "Sheena is a Parasite",which was promoted with a "banned" video by Chris Cunningham. B-side was a cover version of Screaming Lord Sutch's "Jack The Ripper".
Second single "Death At The Chapel" was released on the 31st of July,backed with "Crawdaddy Simone",originally by the Syndicats.
Third single "Count in Fives" came with two b-sides,confusingly labelled incorrectly on the 7" vinyl copies.
The Horrors have gained quite a reputation with their fast paced live shows and unique sense of fashion and sound.
★The Guardian與Vice全奉上五星滿分高評,NME 7/10分,MOJO四星近滿分推崇?
★請動搖滾界金牌製作大師Alan Moulder (My Bloody Valentine,Smashing Pumpkins,Marilyn Manson)以及Rob Kirwan (U2,Depeche Mode,New Order)聯手製作
透著詭譎氣氛,個個深沉陰鬱,一場復古華麗的冷調奇情搖滾餐宴即將展開,無須擔心你的心臟負載力,只要你放膽去聽,The Horrors大灑黑暗色彩,以黑白色系散盡鬼魅般暈眩迷離的粗暴聲響,過癮十足飆奏Garage Punk那份悍勁,呈現如野獸般狂放頻率,重重直襲你腦門而來。
結合黑漬哥德色調以及龐克聲響,The Horrors飛舞著黑暗美學樂派,包裹無比爆發力以及令人不寒而慄氣流,由主唱Faris Badwan,吉他手Josha Von Grimm,貝斯手Tomethy Furse,鼓手Coffin Joe以及鍵盤手Spider Webb五人共同組建。2005年夏天初現身,便在英國倫敦各地引起廣泛討論與矚目,無論從他們的服裝造型,曲風走向甚至瘋狂至極的現場舞台演出,紛紛鎖定眾多目光,2006僅壓一千張的『Sheena Is A Parasite / Jack The Ripper』以及兩千張的『Death At The Chapel / Crawdaddy Simone』單曲,在極短時間內銷售一空,出道僅一年時間,便被主流大廠簽下一紙契約,羨煞多少急於出頭的新人/團體,年底在做為暖身幷於英美兩地出版的EP『Count In Fives』,衝下英國金榜Top25佳績。
The Horrors引起各方矚目之首張完整錄音室大作【Strange House】終告問世,請到搖滾界金牌製作大師Alan Moulder (My Bloody Valentine,Smashing Pumpkins,Marilyn Manson)以及Rob Kirwan (U2,Depeche Mode,New Order)聯手製作。超值收藏成名代表“Sheena Is A Parasite“,急促電吉他與猛烈鼓點包覆著混亂音場,以及加入冰冷鍵盤陪襯迴繞整曲的關鍵上榜作品“Count In Fives“;接著2007年首波主攻“Gloves“,跨越流行疆界步上金榜Top34,Faris瘋狂的演唱方式,瀕臨崩潰邊緣的嗓音,都是緊扣聆聽者雙耳之誘因;一開場的“Gil Sleeping“則訝異流露中國味覺之音韻飄散,接著完全陷入The Horrors極盡過癮把玩實驗音符點綴,是首純樂器演奏單曲;“A Trian Roars“黑暗陰森中爆出如工業般激流,直到最後一刻The Horrors仍頻頻釋放高潮不斷的悸動響音,無怪乎英美兩地的The Guardian與Vice全奉上五星滿分高評,NME 7/10分,MOJO也給予四星近滿分的推崇。
在2009年5月5號在Beggars Xl Recording唱片公司的協作下發行了他們的第二張專輯Primary Colours
專輯英文名: Primary Colours
音樂風格: 搖滾
資源格式: MP3
發行時間: 2009年
British indie group The Horrors follow-up 2007's criticallyacclaimed debut 'Strange House' with 'Primary Colours',a record that represents a band striving for musical progression and,in doing so,finding an interesting new direction. While the gothic punk influence of such bands as The Cramps remains,there is now a strong Krautrock flavour to The Horrors' sound,resulting in a well-rounded and engaging listen. Includes the single 'Sea Within A Sea'.
The horrors 2009年最新專輯,和上一張專輯風格比起來變化較大。
1 Mirror's Image
⒉Three Decades
⒊Who Can Say
⒋Do You Remember
⒌New Ice Age
⒍Scarlet Fields
⒎I Only Think Of You
⒏I Can't Control Myself
⒐Primary Colours
⒑Sea Within A Sea
新專輯Skying是樂隊的第三張專輯,專輯將由XL Recordings在2011年7月11日正式發行(美國將在7月26日)。製作和錄音都是由樂隊獨立負責完成,錄製地點在他們自己所創建的工作室,位於倫敦的達爾斯頓。 專輯曲目
01. Changing the Rain
02. You Said
03. I Can See Through You
04. Endless Blue
05. Dive In
06. Still Life
07. Wild Eyed
08. Moving Further Away
09. Monica Gems
⒑Oceans Burning