The Great Wave

The Great Wave

《The Great Wave》是2009年Houghton Mifflin出版社出版的圖書,作者是Ron Slate。


  • 中文名:The Great Wave
  • 作者:Ron Slate
  • 出版社:Houghton Mifflin出版社 
  • ISBN:9780547232744


THE GREAT WAVE, Slate's follow-up collection to THE INCENTIVEOF THE MAGGOT, is a more personal performance than his much laudedand talked about debut book, which was nominated for the NationalBook Critics Circle Award, the Academy of American Poets LenoreMarshall Prize, and was the winner of the prestigious Larry LevisPoetry Prize. While Slate's first book burst forth from atwenty-year period of silence, THE GREAT WAVE bears the mark of afinely honed fluency and makes good his exceptional promise. WhileSlate occasionally returns to his experience as an internationalbusinessman ("Meeting in Madrid", "Samba de Orfeo", and "Reunion"),his most powerful and moving poems revivify childhood memories('Four Roses") or address the condition of his elderly parents("December First, Terminal"). One of the most haunting and poignantpoems recounts the tragedy of the 1942 Coconut Grove fire in whichSlate's fraternal grandmother died "with her sister in the ladies'room." Of this event, Slate writes, "My life began with the fire, /glimmering in the birth waters. / Beyond my bedroom wall/voicesmurmured a memory." "Coconut Grove" is one of several poems thatmention historical catastrophes such as fires and floods and theseallusions shock us with recognition of our own perilous and tenuousand terror-ridden times. Everywhere, the collection displaysSlate's sly and signature wit as in a marvelously humorous andhistorically accurate "Khrushchev's Foot," in which Slate remindsus of the time Khrushchev slammed his shoe in anger on a desk atthe UN. Out of this event, he imagines, "Such a delicate foot,veined and moist--/it makes me want to reveal a secret, / anexpendable on, declassified. Reading THE GREAT WAVE, we arereminded that the purpose of poetry is to confront the urgencies ofthe present by remembering and reinventing the past.


Ron Slate's poems have appeared in the New Yorker, Three Penny Review, and TriQuarterly. He holds an M.A. in Creative Writing from Stanford University. His previous collection, THE INCENTIVE OF THE MAGGOT, was chosen by Robert Pinsky to receive the 2004 Bread Loaf Writer's Conference Bakeless Poetry Prize and was nominated for the National Book Critics Award, the Academy of American Poets Lenore Marshall Prize, and was awarded the Virginia Commonwealth University Larry Levis Poetry Prize. For many years, he worked in business communications and was the vice-president of global communications for EMC corporation for seven years. He is currently a partner in a health-care start up called Carespace. He resides in Milton, Maine.


