The Golden Apples

The Golden Apples

《The Golden Apples》是Harvest Books出版的圖書,作者是Eudora Welty


  • 作者:Eudora Welty
  • 出版時間:1956年9月14日
  • 出版社:Harvest Books
  • 頁數:288 頁
  • ISBN:9780156360906
  • 裝幀:Paperback
  • 定價 :USD 14.00元
Welty is on home ground in the state of Mississippi in this collection of seven stories. She portrays the MacLains, the Starks, the Moodys, and other families of the fictitious town of Morgana. "I doubt that a better book about 'the South'-one that more completely gets the feel of the particular texture of Southern life and its special tone and pattern-has ever been written"(N...展開全部) Welty is on home ground in the state of Mississippi in this collection of seven stories. She portrays the MacLains, the Starks, the Moodys, and other families of the fictitious town of Morgana. "I doubt that a better book about 'the South'-one that more completely gets the feel of the particular texture of Southern life and its special tone and pattern-has ever been written" (New Yorker). 尤多拉•韋爾蒂(1909—2001) 出生於美國密西西比州中產階級家庭,母親酷愛閱讀,父親熱衷攝影,韋爾蒂自幼深受他們影響。 大蕭條時期,韋爾蒂在州政府供職,有機會到各地旅行。旅行途中所見普通人家的生活情景,讓她深深著迷。為了捕捉那些場景,她拍了幾百張照片,並於1936年在紐約舉辦了攝影展。同年,她的第一篇小說也獲得發表,作家生涯就此開端;此後佳作不斷,在小說、述評和散文寫作中盡顯其才。 1998年,其作品被收入代表美國文學最高成就的“美國文庫”系列,打破了過去只選已逝作家作品的傳統,在文學界引起轟動。


