The Gift Of Love


  • 中文名稱:愛的禮物
  • 外文名稱:The Gift Of Love
  • 發行時間:2003-09-30
  • 歌曲原唱周華健
  • 歌曲語言:英語
  • 所屬公司:滾石唱片


You asked me what I want
you asked me what I need
It's nothing you can buy
my heart's not ruled by greed
I don't give diamond
diamonds you see through
I want you to hold me
I want you to be true
Give me the gift of love Look me in the eyes
Say I'm the oneyou're dreaming of
That would be the best surprise
Give me the gift of your sweet love
In the light of the day
In the dark of night Like
the colours of the sun
the feelings in your heart
It's all I want from you
and whne the sky is dark
I'll have you beside me
who could ask for more
I'll just wear a smile
when you walk in the door
Give me the gift of love
Look me in the eyes
Say I'm the oneyou're dreaming of
That would be the best surprise
Give me the gift of your sweet love
In the light of the day
In the dark of night Like
Give me the gift of love
Look me in the eyes
Say I'm the oneyou're dreaming of
That would be the best surprise
Give me the gift of your sweet love
In the light of the day
In the dark of night Like
Give me the gift of love
Look me in the eyes
Say I'm the oneyou're dreaming of
That would be the best surprise
Give me the gift of your sweet love
In the light of the day
In the dark of night Like


中文名: 周華健
外文名: Emil Wakin Chau
The Gift Of Love
國籍: 中國
出生地: 香港西營盤
出生日期: 1960年12月22日
代表作品: 花心,朋友,讓我歡喜讓我憂,愛相隨
周華健(1960年12月22日-,英文名:Emil Wakin Chau),台灣著名創作歌手、音樂人。祖籍廣東汕頭市潮南區,出生於香港西營盤。1979年赴台灣求學,1986年加盟滾石唱片公司,逐漸成長為台灣及亞洲華語流行樂壇的天王巨星,至今已發行音樂專輯逾40張,累計銷量過數千萬。


