The Gadfly(2006年Norilana Books出版的圖書)

The Gadfly(2006年Norilana Books出版的圖書)

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《The Gadfly》是Norilana Books出版的圖書,作者是Voynich, E., L.


  • ISBN:9781934169100
  • 作者:Voynich, E., L.
  • 出版社:Norilana Books
  • 出版時間:2006年9月
  • 頁數:312
  • 定價:$ 24.80
  • 裝幀:Hardcover
The Gadfly (1897) by Ethel Lillian Voynich is a startling multi-layered story of ideological transformation, love, and legendary, superhuman courage. It encapsulates the life of Arthur Burton and his transition from a delicate and beautiful, innocent youth to a disillusioned and outspoken revolutionary hero, a remarkable man who undergoes a crisis of faith and becomes the prove...(展開全部) The Gadfly (1897) by Ethel Lillian Voynich is a startling multi-layered story of ideological transformation, love, and legendary, superhuman courage. It encapsulates the life of Arthur Burton and his transition from a delicate and beautiful, innocent youth to a disillusioned and outspoken revolutionary hero, a remarkable man who undergoes a crisis of faith and becomes the proverbial Gadfly. The Gadfly is an ordinary man with human failings and weaknesses, a secret love, and a complex burden of pain. And yet he is larger than life, a superhero of fortitude, an atheist and humanist, an outspoken opponent of the political status quo and a proponent of freedom for the people; his words devastate and sting his enemies by the force of truth they convey. Set in Italy during the tumultuous period of political unrest in the middle of the nineteenth century, this unusual novel was an inspirational bestseller abroad, particularly remarkable in its emotional impact. And now it deserves to be discovered by a whole new generation of readers. 艾捷爾·麗蓮·伏尼契(Ethel Lilian Voynich 1864-1960) 1864年生於愛爾蘭科克市。原姓蒲爾,父親喬治·蒲爾是個數學家。她早年喪父,隨母由愛爾蘭遷居倫敦。1882年,她得到親友的一筆遺贈,只身前往德國求學;1885年畢業於柏林音樂學院; 其間還曾在柏林大學聽講斯拉夫學課程。1887年蒲爾學成歸國,在倫敦結識了流亡在此的各國革命者。其中俄國民粹派作家克拉甫欽斯基(筆名為斯吉普涅雅克)對她影響最大。在他的鼓勵下,她曾前往俄國旅遊了兩年,和彼得堡的革命團體有過聯繫。 1892年,她和一個受過她幫助、後來從流放地逃到倫敦的波蘭革命者米哈依·伏尼契結婚。夫婦一起積極參與俄國流亡者的活動。伏尼契擔任了流亡者辦的《自由俄羅斯》雜誌的編輯,她還出版了《俄羅斯幽默文集》,其中翻譯介紹了果戈理和亞·尼·奧斯特羅夫斯基的作品。伏尼契還結識了普...(展開全部) 艾捷爾·麗蓮·伏尼契(Ethel Lilian Voynich 1864-1960) 1864年生於愛爾蘭科克市。原姓蒲爾,父親喬治·蒲爾是個數學家。她早年喪父,隨母由愛爾蘭遷居倫敦。1882年,她得到親友的一筆遺贈,只身前往德國求學;1885年畢業於柏林音樂學院; 其間還曾


