The Essential Guide to the Internet for Health Professionals

The Essential Guide to the Internet for Health Professionals

《The Essential Guide to the Internet for Health Professionals》是2003年出版的圖書,作者是Chellen, Sydney S.。


  • 中文名:The Essential Guide to the Internet for Health Professionals
  • 作者:Chellen, Sydney S.
  • 出版時間:2003年6月
  • ISBN:9780415305563
There is a wealth of health information on the Internet. Today's students of health studies and all healthcare professionals must be able to use this valuable resource and extract from it what is most relevant and useful. In order for them to do this purposefully and skilfully, they need to have a thorough understanding of how the system works and have the ability to navigate their way round it with ease. The photocopiable lecturer's edition of The Essential Guide to the Internet for Health Professionals has been brought up to date especially for students. The new edition includes a list of key websites, new and revised worksheets and activities and additional information on search strategies. It also shows students how to: - get online - navigate the World Wide Web - find health information on the internet - communicate with other health professionals - access free health and medical resources - publish on the web - use online help with health studies assignments - search for jobs - use health databases like CINAHL, MEDLINE, CANCERLIT - reference online resources - find an ISP - buy the right computer


