《The Climate Bottom Line: Economics of Climate Change》是一本圖書。
- 外文名:The Climate Bottom Line: Economics of Climate Change
- 語言:英語
- ISBN:9780692393536
《The Climate Bottom Line: Economics of Climate Change》是一本圖書。
Qi shaozhou, He anqi, Zhang jihong*. The effective benchmark selection model and simulation in the power sector of China’s ETS. Climate change economics, 2020,8. DOI: 10.1142/S2010007820410067 Zhang jihong, Gao rui, Xu ninghan*, Xie chaopeng. How can China achieve its non-fossil energy...
研究氣候對經濟領域影響、並積極利用氣象資訊轉化成商機的學科。它是經濟學的邊緣分支,由於德國知名的經濟議題觀察家弗里德黑姆˙施瓦茨(Friedhelm Schwarz) 寫的一本有趣的書《氣候經濟學》而成為顯學,他以生動有趣的筆法,豐富的案例,揭露天氣和經濟之間密不可分的關係,他的譯作是國內第一本探討氣候經濟學的專...
曾獲國家留學基金委公派研究生項目獎學金,耶魯氣候變化研究項目(YCCRP)資助,中國“雙法”研究會能源經濟與管理研究分會“國舜能源經濟與管理優秀博士學位論文特別獎”。在Energy Economics、Energy Policy、Energy、Climate Change Economics、Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews、《經濟體制改革》、《中國社會科學...
氣候經濟學和法學交叉研究,全球氣候治理與貿易,碳金融&ESG管理,法律經濟學 主講課程 本科生:法經濟學,法律案例的經濟學趣談,International Trade & Int. Finance 碩士:法經濟學,城市生態經濟管理,國際政治經濟學,Economics of Regulation,Law and Economics(中意聯合培養)博士:Special Topics of Int. ...
Jing Cao, "Exploring Carbon Tax in China," in Fan et. al (ed.) The Economics of Climate Change in China ——Towards a Low Carbon Economy,Earthscan Publishing, 2011 Jing Cao, "Reconcile Human Development and Climate Protection –A Multi-Stage Hybrid Climate Policy Architecture," in Joseph E...
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affect Florida and Bangladesh. Lord Stern, author of the "Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change" and former Chief Economist at the World Bank, is the world's leading authority on what we can do in the face of such unprecedented threat. Action on climate change will require the ...
2013.12-2014.12 美國University of California at Davis,訪問學者 講授課程 本科生課程:自然資源與環境經濟學、資源環境統計分析 研究生課程:資源科學、自然資源經濟學、資源環境政策分析 科研項目 主持國家自然科學基金:“基於風險認知和風險偏好的農戶氣候變化適應行為選擇的決策機制”(41671170)主持國際項目:...
張希良教授先後主持應對氣候變化領域中的國家自然科學基金重大項目、國家重點研發計畫項目和國家社科基金重大項目。在Nature Energy、Nature Climate Change、《管理世界》等國內外學術期刊上發表論文200餘篇。曾擔任聯合國氣候變化專門委員會(IPCC)第四次和第五次《氣候變化評估報告》的主要作者(Lead Author)。2020年...
2016年1月 —2018年12月,歐盟聯合研究中心項目:Study on generation of climate ensembles for the PESETA III project,歐盟,6萬歐元,參與 學術兼職 2019年 至今,聯合國政府間氣候變化專門委員會(IPCC)第六次評估報告第9章(Ocean, Cryosphere, and Sea Level Change)貢獻作者(contributing author)2012年至今...
19. Kung, C.C. (2011) Climate Change Mitigation From Pyrolysis. Advanced Materials Research, 2011. 347-353:2630-2634. (EI)20. McCarl, B.A.*, Peacocke, C., Chrisman, R., Kung, C.C., Sands, R.D. (2009) “Economics of Biochar Production, Utilisation and GHG Offsets”. Biochar ...
陳敏鵬,女,畢業於清華大學,博士,中國人民大學農業與農村發展學院教授。研究方向 農業環境系統模擬及農業環境政策分析相關的交叉科學。主要領域為不同尺度營養元素循環、環境影響分析及政策評估,氣候變化對農業和農村發展的風險分析和適應策略,農業可持續發展評估及政策分析。個人經歷 教育經歷 2002.09~2007.07 清華...
9.Dong, Yan and John Whalley, 2012,“How Large are the Impacts of Carbon Motivated Border Tax Adjustments.” , Climate Change Economics, Vol 3, No 1.(獲第九屆(2016年)中國社會科學院優秀科研成果獎三等獎、中國社會科學院世界經濟與政治所優秀科研成果一等獎)。10.Dong, Yan and John Whalley,...
5. Zhigang Cao, Hongtao Duan, Lian Feng, Ronghua Ma, Kun Xue: Climate- and human-induced changes in suspended particulate matter over Lake Hongze on short and long timescales. Remote Sensing of Environment 04/2017; 192:98-113., DOI:10.1016/j.rse.2017.02.007 6. Zhen Song, Shunlin ...
International Journal of Social, Political and Community Agendas in the Arts International Journal of the Arts in Society: Annual Review The International Journal of Climate Change: Impacts and Responses International Journal of Climate Change: Impacts and Responses The Journal of Communication and Media ...
l 英國海外開發署(ODA)與中國國家環境保護局(NEPA)諮詢專家兼譯員,《中英環境管理實用環境經濟學培訓項目:中國大氣污染管理經濟學子項》(Training Project on Practical Environmental Economics for Environmental Management, in a course on the economics of air pollution management in China),北京,1996年10...
1. YongpingSun, Ying Yang, Nan Huang, Xin Zou*,The impacts ofclimate change risks on financial performance of mining industry: Evidence fromlisted companies in China, ResourcesPolicy, 69 (2020) 101828. doi:10.1016/j.resourpol.2020.101828.2. Jingbo Cui, Xi Liu,Yongping Sun(通訊), Haishan...
Passage Two Checking out the Chicks Passage Three The Not-so-great Outdoors Passage Four Floppy Discs Passage Five Something Rotten Passage Six The Decline of the Landline Passage Seven Nothing New under the Sun Passage Eight Left Behind Passage Nine Computing Climate Change Passage Ten Charge!Passa...
Climate Change: Law and Policy (氣候變化:法律與政策)Sport Law (體育相關的法規)Patent Law (專利法)Property Law (財產法)Environmental Politics and Law(環境政治與法律)『New』#新聞傳媒# Foundations of American Cyber-Cultures (美國網際網路文化) Journalistic Ethics: Communications Studies (傳媒...
Consumption Trade-off vs. Catastrophes Avoidance:Implications of Some Recent Results in Happiness Studies on the Economics of Climate Change 東亞金融合作 Advice for the Next President of the United States 能源與環境問題的全球化與來洲的選擇:轉型、增長、福祉 Achieving Sustainable Energy Balance while ...
上海外國語大學《英美文學研究論叢》副主編,美國Explorations in Media Ecology 雜誌編委,英國Open Humanities Press, Critical Climate Change Book Series 系列叢書顧問,教育部新世紀優秀人才,美國哥倫比亞大學“富布萊特”高級研究學者,河南大學、蘭州交通大學等高校兼職教授(曾任上海外國語大學文學研究院副院長,奧地利...
Variations within the Earth's Climate I Natural Factors Driving Climate Change 2 The Memory of Climate 6 Human Influences on Climate Change 6 The Transition of Various Forms of Sequestered Solar Energy Use and Their Effect on Societies 9 Industrial Sources of Atmospheric Pollution 12 The ...
[24] Wang,J.-Z., Feng, G.-F., Yin, H.-T., & Chang, C.-P. (2023). Toward sustainable development: Does the rising oil price stimulate innovation in climate change mitigation technologies? Economic Analysis and Policy, 79,569–583. (JCR Q1)[25] Feng,G.-F., Zheng, M., ...
研究領域涉及國際貿易與發展、氣候政策與CGE建模、能源轉型、全球治理等。在《世界經濟》、Journal of Policy Modeling、Climate Change Economics、China and World Economy等期刊發表論文多篇,主持和參與的重要科研項目包括國家社科基金重大項目、亞太經合組織“綠色金融”項目、東協與東亞經濟研究所“循環經濟”項目、財政...
30.方琰、Daniel Scott、Robert Steiger、吳必虎、蔣依依, 2020,氣候變化背景下人工造雪技術提升對中國...Tourism Economics, Special Issue: Spatial Economics and Tourism Development: 1-25. (SSCI)...Climate change and tourism: a scientometric analysis using CiteSpace. Journal of Sustainable Tourism...
(10) Leaf turgor loss point is correlated with drought tolerance and leaf carbon economics traits, Tree physiology, 2018, 第 7 作者 (11) Fog Water Is Important in Maintaining the Water Budgets of Vascular Epiphytes in an Asian Tropical Karst Forests during the Dry Season, forests, 2018, ...
6.Assessment of Landslide on Climate Change using GIS,Xu, Zhen, Kwak, Hanbin, Lee, Woo-Kyun, Park, Taejin, Kwon, Tae-Hyub and Park, Sunmin.Climate Change Research(KCI),2011,2(1),43-54.7.Inferring the Potential Impact of Human Activities on Evapotranspiration in the Tumen River Basin...
Empirical Economics (2020): 1-27.Li, Chengzheng, and Haiying Gu. Climate change and mortality evolution in China. Journal of environmental management 267 (2020): 110622.Li, Chengzheng, Jiajia Cong, and Haiying Gu. Could Weather Fluctuations Affect Local Economic Growth? Evidence from Counties...
2008(Kick the habit,towards a low carbon economy)。“轉變傳統觀念,推行低碳經濟”2009(Your Planet Needs You-UNite to Combat Climate Change)地球需要你:團結起來應對氣候變化 中國主題:減少污染——行動起來 2010 Many Species. One Planet. One Future唯一的地球,共同的未來。2011“Forests:Nature at ...