The Classic Fairy Tales

The Classic Fairy Tales



  • 中文名:傳統童話故事
  • 外文名:The Classic Fairy Tales
  • 內容:白雪公主,美女與野獸等
  • 分類:書本


Book Description
The cultural resilience of fairy tales is incontestable. Surviving over the centuries and thriving in a variety of media, fairy tales continue to enrich our imaginations and shape our lives. This Norton Critical Edition of The Classic Fairy Tales examines the genre, its cultural implications--and its critical history. The editor has gathered fairy tales from around the world to reveal the range and play of these stories over time. The Classic Fairy Tales focuses on six different tale types: "Little Red Riding Hood,' "Beauty and the Beast," "Snow White," "Cinderella," "Bluebeard," and "Hansel and Gretel." It includes multicultural variants of these tales, along with sophisticated literary rescriptings". Each tale type is preceded by an introduction, and annotations are provided throughout. Also included in this collection of over forty stories are tales by Hans Christian Andersen and Oscar Wilde. "Criticism" collects twelve essays that interrogate different aspects of fairy tales by exploring their social origins, historical evolution, psychological dynamics, and engagement with issues of gender and national identity. Bruno Bettelheim, Robert Darnton, Sandra M. Gilbert and Susan Gubar, Karen E. Rowe, Marina Warner, Zohar Shavit, Jack Zipes, Donald Haase, Maria Tatar, Antti Aarne, and Vladimir Propp provide critical overviews. A Selected Bibliography is included.
The Classic Fairy Tales
About the Series
Each Norton Critical Edition includes anauthoritative text, contextual and source materials, and a wide rangeof interpretation--from contemporary perspectives to the most currentcritical theory--as well as a bibliography and a chronology of theauthor's life and work.
Book Dimension
Height (mm) 230   Width (mm) 130


童話故事的文化適應能力是無可置疑的。尚存在一個世紀裡,在各種媒體蓬勃發展,童話繼續豐富我們的想像力和塑造我們的生活。這諾頓的經典童話臨界版檢查流派,其文化含義 - 與批判的歷史。該編輯器收集了來自世界各地的童話故事,揭示的範圍和時間的推移這些故事發揮。經典童話故事的重點在六個不同的類型:“小紅帽',”美女與野獸“,”白雪公主“,”灰姑娘“,”藍鬍子“和”糖果屋。“它包括多文化的變種這些故事,加上先進的文學rescriptings。每個故事類型是前面的介紹,並提供整個注釋。此外,在這40多故事集包括由安徒生童話和王爾德的故事。“批判”的論文的收集12審問不同方面的童話故事,探索其社會根源,歷史演變,心理動態,並與性別和民族身份問題。布魯諾貝特爾海姆,羅伯特達頓,桑德拉吉爾伯特和蘇珊格巴米,卡倫大腸桿菌羅匡華納接觸,佐哈爾沙維特,傑克血紅素,唐納德哈斯,瑪麗亞塔塔爾,安蒂阿爾內,和弗拉基米爾普羅普提供關鍵概述。一個選擇書目包括在內。


每個關鍵諾頓版包括一個權威文本,語境和源材料,從當代的角度廣泛的解釋 - 以最新的批判理論 - 以及書目和作者的生活和工作年表。

