《The Chinese Overseas》是Harvard University Press出版的圖書,作者是Wang Gungwu
- ISBN:9780674009868
- 作者:Wang Gungwu
- 出版社:Harvard University Press
- 出版時間:2002年9月30日
- 頁數:160
- 定價:USD 27.00
- 裝幀:Paperback
- 叢書:The Edwin O. Reischauer Lectures
《The Chinese Overseas》是Harvard University Press出版的圖書,作者是Wang Gungwu
《海外排華百年史(英文版)》是2006年1月外文出版社出版的圖書,作者是沈己堯。內容簡介 For a whole century, since the Opium War(1839-1842), the Chinese people suffered imperialistic aggression at home and racial dis-...
Abstract:China's is the world's second-largest overseas investor. But the external risks facing Chinese firms in overseas investment saw a clear increase. This book quantitatively assesses the main risks facing Chinese ...
Li Hong-lin, a Chinese Volunteer to Laos /1 I Am the Ambassador's Tutor Feng Ai, a Chinese Volunteer in Ethiopia / 12 A Chinese Angel on the Ridge of Africa Xia Shu-wen, a Chinese Volunteer in Ethiopia / 24 ...
二、全球化對海外華文教育的影響 三、冷戰後“成就困境”中的馬來西亞華文教育 四、冷戰後新加坡華文教育的機遇與困惑 結語 下編 國家關係中的華僑華人 第六章 認同:個人、族群與國家——對多族群國家中的華人認同的思考 一、認同:...
2017d “Rethniking “Pauk-Phaw”: Chinese Migrants, Ethnic Interaction and China’s Rise”, In Bernard Wong, and Tan, CheeBeng eds., China’s Rise and the Chinese Overseas, London: Rouletdge.2017 (第一作者)“...
“Chinese Female Students and the Sino-US Relations.” In New Studies on Chinese Overseas and China, Leiden, Holland: International Institute for Asian Studies, 2000, 103-137.1999 “Debate over Affirmative Action.” ...
還有學者借用散居世界的猶太人的概念,將海外華人(Chinese overseas)稱為華人散居者(Chinese diaspora)或華族(Ethnic Chinese)。參見王庚武著,趙紅英譯:《單一的華人散居者?》,載《華僑華人歷史研究》,1999(3),1~14頁;劉宏:《王庚武教授...