The Change Before the Change

The Change Before the Change

《The Change Before the Change》是2002年Random House US出版社出版的圖書,作者是Laura Corio。


  • 書名:The Change Before the Change
  • 作者:Laura Corio 
  • 出版社:Random House US出版社 
  • ISBN:9780553380316
The Essential Book for Every Woman Over 35You’re in the prime of life. As far as you know, menopause couldbe years away. So why is your body sending you such weirdmessages?  Women today can’t afford to lose time and energy to the common,but often misdiagnosed, symptoms of perimenopause — from moodswings and stubborn extra pounds to hot flashes and insomnia — thatprecedemenopause by as much as a decade.  In this lively and solution-packed book, renowned obgyn Dr. LauraCorio provides all the information you need to take charge of yourphysical and emotional well-being:  ? Hormone treatment before menopause, including all the new,natural, and low-dose forms that are making this a safe choice formore women  ? Herbs, soy, and other alternative therapies that are backed bysolid medical research  ? How perimenopause affects fertility — and what to do if youwant to get pregnant  ? How your skin, hair, and nails reflect deeper changes — and howto make them vibrant again  ? Ways to combat cancer fears — and what tests you absolutelymust have? Whether a high-protein diet is right for you — and whatvitamins and minerals you should be taking? What to do now to protect your breasts, uterus, bones, andheart in the years to come? Diet and exercises to prevent or minimize symptoms, and muchmore!


