Keep the Change(George Jones,Tammy Wynette演唱的歌曲)

Keep the Change(George Jones,Tammy Wynette演唱的歌曲)

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《Keep the Change》是George Jones、Tammy Wynette演唱的歌曲,於1976年8月9日發行。


  • 外文名:Keep the Change
  • 所屬專輯:Golden Ring
  • 歌曲原唱:George Jones、Tammy Wynette
  • 發行日期:1976年8月9日
  • 歌曲語言:英語
Keep The Change - George Jones & Tammy Wynette
It was so good when he loved you
I could tell by the sunshine on your face
I know he bought you pretty things
I know he made your world a happy place
And I remember when she loved you
And in those days you had someone to care
And through your long and lonely nights
When you needed someone she was there
Ah but lately you're not smiling
And I don't see that sunshine like before
I know you've tried to make it work
But I don't think he loves you any more
And I know she must have hurt you
'Cause I've seen the tears you try so hard to hide
But if we had each other
It might just stop this hurt we have inside
Change to me and keep the change
And I won't do you like he did
And I won't hurt you like she did
Change to me and keep the change
And we'll never need another
Once we have each other
Change to me and keep the change


