The Art of Loving

The Art of Loving

《The Art of Loving》是Harper Perennial Modern Classics出版的圖書,作者是Erich Fromm


  • ISBN:9780061129735
  • 作者:Erich Fromm
  • 出版社:Harper Perennial Modern Classics
  • 出版時間:2006年11月21日
  • 頁數:192
  • 定價:USD 14.99
  • 裝幀:Paperback
The renowned psychoanalyst Erich Fromm has helped millions of men and women achieve rich, productive lives by developing their hidden capacities for love. In this astonishly frank and candid book, he explores the ways in which this extraordinary emotion can alter the whole course of your life. Most of us are unable to develop our capacities for love on the only level that rea...(展開全部) The renowned psychoanalyst Erich Fromm has helped millions of men and women achieve rich, productive lives by developing their hidden capacities for love. In this astonishly frank and candid book, he explores the ways in which this extraordinary emotion can alter the whole course of your life. Most of us are unable to develop our capacities for love on the only level that really counts––a love that is compounded of maturity, self–knowledge, and courage. Learning to love, like other arts, demands practice and concentration. Even more than any other art it demands genuine insight and understanding. In this startling book, Fromm discusses love in all its aspects; not only romantic love, so surrounded byconceptions, but also love of parents for children, brotherly love, erotic love, self–love, and love of God. 艾里希·弗洛姆,著名德裔美籍心理學家、精神分析學家、哲學家。1900年生於德國法蘭克福猶太人家庭,1922年獲德國海德堡大學哲學博士學位,是二十年代“法蘭克福學派”重要成員。納粹上台後,他於1934年赴美,在從事心理諮詢工作的同時,在哥倫比亞大學等學術機構講學,並先後執教於墨西哥國立大學、密西根州立大學等高校。1980年弗洛姆病逝於瑞士洛伽諾。 弗洛姆的研究植根於弗洛伊德的精神分析學說和馬克思主義哲學理論。他認為人是各自所在的產物,在現代工業化社會,人變得越來越自我疏離,這種孤立感導致人們潛意識下渴望與他人結合、聯繫。 弗洛姆以深入淺出、平易近人的文筆,創造了大量學術著作和普及性作品,其中影響最大的有《愛的藝術》、《逃避自由》、《健全的社會》、《精神分析的危機》等。


