Tender is the Night(2007年Penguin Books Ltd (UK)出版的圖書)

Tender is the Night(2007年Penguin Books Ltd (UK)出版的圖書)

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《Tender is the Night》是Penguin Books Ltd (UK)出版的圖書,作者是F. Scott Fitzgerald


  • ISBN:9780140623598
  • 作者:F. Scott Fitzgerald
  • 出版社:Penguin Books Ltd (UK)
  • 出版時間:2007年7月31日
  • 頁數:400
  • 定價:25.00元
  • 裝幀:Paperback
The French Riviera in the 1920s was 'discovered' by Dick and Nicole Diver who turned it into the playground of the rich and glamorous. Among their circle is Rosemary Hoyt, the beautiful starlet, who falls in love with Dick and is enraptured by Nicole, unaware of the corruption and dark secrets that haunt their marriage. When Dick becomes entangled with Rosemary, he fractures th...(展開全部) The French Riviera in the 1920s was 'discovered' by Dick and Nicole Diver who turned it into the playground of the rich and glamorous. Among their circle is Rosemary Hoyt, the beautiful starlet, who falls in love with Dick and is enraptured by Nicole, unaware of the corruption and dark secrets that haunt their marriage. When Dick becomes entangled with Rosemary, he fractures the delicate structure of his relationship with Nicole and the lustre of their life together begins to tarnish. Tender is the Night is an exquisite novel that reflects not only Fitzgerald's own personal tragedy, but also the shattered idealism of the society in which he lived. F·S·菲茨傑拉德(Francis Scott Fitzgerald,1896—1940) 二十世紀美國最傑出的作家之一,以詩人和夢想家的氣質為“爵士時代”吟唱華麗輓歌。短短四十四年的人生,他的遭際幾經跌宕起伏,在名利場中看盡世態炎涼。二十世紀末,美國學術界權威在百年英語長河中選出一百部最優秀的小說,凝聚了菲茨傑拉德才華橫溢的兩部長篇小說《了不起的蓋茨比》和《夜色溫柔》均榜上有名,前者更高居第二位。

