Telephone Long Distance Love Affair

《Telephone Long Distance Love Affair》是由西娜阿·斯頓演唱的一首歌曲,收錄於專輯《Best kept secret》中。


  • 外文名:Telephone Long Distance Love Affair
  • 歌手西娜阿·斯頓 (Sheena Easton)
  • 專輯:Best kept secret
  • 語言:英語


I've been away from you for far too long Too much chances make my heart go frantic I wanna tell you what's been goin' on, operator give me Trans Atlantic I sit alone as the night goes by Stare at the phone and wait for your reply Long long distance love affair, I can't find you anywhere I call you on the telephone but you're never home I gotta get a message to you, I wanna tell you what I'm going through What in the world's comin' over you How come you're acting like a total stranger I try to reach you but I can't get through I got this feeling that my heart's in danger I got your letter it was perfectly clear Havin' a ball, and wishin' you are here Premonition is a funny thing, a familiar kind of pain and easy Like knowin' when the phone is gonna ring Too many times and it'll drive you crazy I hear your echo in the longer hall Call out your name, but no-one's there at all Long long distance love affair, I can't find you anywhere I call you on the telephone, but you're never home


名字:Sheena Easton 中文譯名:西娜阿·斯頓 國 籍:英國 出生地:蘇格蘭 語 言:英語 生 日:1959/4/27 簽約過的唱片公司:EMI MUSIC(百代唱片) 二十世紀80年代流行樂天后Sheena Easton,1959年4月27日出生於英國蘇格蘭的Belshill市。她是受到芭芭拉-史翠珊電影《往日情懷(The Way We Were)》的影響而進入音樂界發展。在蘇格蘭皇家音樂戲劇學院深造期間,她加入了Something Else樂團。 Sheena Easton參與英國BBC電視台“The Big Time: Pop Singer”節目演出後,即受到EMI唱片公司的青睞並與她簽約。1980年,Sheena Easton推出《Modern Girl》及《9 To 5》兩首個人單曲,雙雙打進全英十大單曲排行榜,成為該榜有史以來首位同時在十大占有兩個席次的女歌手。 接著,《9 To 5》更名為《Morning Train》轉戰美國,更一舉拿下全美流行單曲及成人抒情榜雙料冠軍,並榮獲1982年格萊美音樂獎最佳新人,從此大紅大紫起來。 另外,她所演繹的名曲也包括了《Modern Girl》、《For Your Eyes Only》、《You Got The Look》、《Telephone Long Distance Love Affair 》《You Could Have Been With Me》等。除了歌唱,Sheena Easton也曾演出《Young Blades》里的“Queen Anne”角色。 為XBOX360遊戲演唱插曲WHAT YOU ARE 流星花園(台灣版)也幾次用到了她的歌曲《almost over you》做插曲,使中國聽眾對她逐漸熟悉起來。


