THOMAS PAHTZ,男,博士,浙江大學海洋學院博士生導師


  • 畢業院校:ETH Zurich, Switzerland
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:物理海洋學
  • 任職院校:浙江大學海洋學院


  • 2016-now,Research Professor, Zhejiang University, China
  • 2013-2016,Associate Professor,Zhejiang University, China
  • 2012-2013,Lecturer, Zhejiang University, China
  • 2008-2012,PhD Student, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
  • 2001-2007,Diploma Student, University of Jena, Germany


Computational sediment dynamics
Writing English papers


Journal Articles [* indicates corresponding author(s)]:
T. Pähtz*,O. Durán,Unification of Aeolian and Fluvial Sediment Transport Rate From Granular Physics, Physical Review Letters (IF: 9.227).
T. Pähtz*, A. H. Clark, M. Valyrakis, O. Durán,The physics of sediment transport initiation, cessation, and entrainment across aeolian and fluvial environments,Reviews of Geophysics (IF: 16.725)58(1), e2019RG000679 (2020/03).
Z. Wang, N. Huang*,T. Pähtz*,The effect of turbulence on drifting snow sublimation, Geophysical Research Letters (IF: 4.578)46(20), 11568-11575 (2019/10/28).
W. Zhu, X. Huo, J. Zhang, P. Wang,T. Pähtz*,N. Huang*, Z. He,Large Effects of Particle Size Heterogeneity on Dynamic Saltation Threshold, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface(IF: 4.253)124(8), 2311-2321 (2019/08).
T. Pähtz*, O. Durán,D. N. de Klerk, I. Govender, M. Trulsson,Local Rheology Relation with Variable Yield Stress Ratio across Dry, Wet, Dense, and Dilute Granular Flows, Physical Review Letters (IF: 9.227)123(4), 048001 (2019/07/24).
T. Pähtz*,Comment on 'Distinct thresholds for the initiation and cessation of aeolian saltation from field measurements' by Raleigh L. Martin and Jasper F. Kok: Alternative interpretation of measured thresholds as two distinct cessation thresholds, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface(IF: 4.253)123(12), 3388-3391 (2018/12).
L. Zhao, Z. He*, Y. Lv, Y. T. Lin, P. Hu,T. Pähtz,Front Velocity and Front Location of Lock-Exchange Gravity Currents Descending a Slope in a Linearly Stratified Environment, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering(IF: 2.206)144(11), 04018068 (2018/11).
T. Pähtz*, O. Durán,Universal friction law at granular solid-gas transition explains scaling of sediment transport load with excess fluid shear stress, Physical Review Fluids(IF: 2.627)3(10), 104302 (2018/10/15).
T. Pähtz*, M. Valyrakis, X. H. Zhao, Z. S. Li,The Critical Role of the Boundary Layer Thickness for the Initiation of Aeolian Sediment Transport, Geosciences(IF: 1.91)8(9), 314 (2018/09).
T. Pähtz*, O. Durán,The Cessation Threshold of Nonsuspended Sediment Transport Across Aeolian and Fluvial Environments, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface(IF: 4.253)123(8),1638-1666 (2018/08).
T. Pähtz*, O. Durán,Fluid forces or impacts: What governs the entrainment of soil particles in sediment transport mediated by a Newtonian fluid?, Physical Review Fluids(IF: 2.627)2(7),074303 (2017/07/19).
W. Li, P. Hu*,T. Pähtz, Z. He, Z. Cao,Limitations of empirical sediment transport formulas for shallow water and their consequences for swash zone modelling, Journal of Hydraulic Research(IF: 2.974)55(1),114-120 (2017).
C. H. Yu, D. Wang, Z. He*,T. Pähtz,An optimized dispersion-relation-preserving combined compact difference scheme to solve advection equations, Journal of Computational Physics(IF: 2.845)300,92-115 (2015/11/01).
Z. He, P. Hu, L. Zhao, G. Wu*,T. Pähtz,Modeling of Breaching Due to Overtopping Flow and Waves Based on Coupled Flow and Sediment Transport, Water(IF: 2.524)7(8),4283-4304 (2015/08/05).
P. Hu,T. Pähtz, Z. He*,Is it appropriate to model turbidity currents with the three-equation model?, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface(IF: 4.253)120(7),1153-1170 (2015/07).
T. Pähtz*,A. Omeradžić, M. V. Carneiro, N. A. M.Araújo, H. J. Herrmann,Discrete Element Method simulations of the saturation of aeolian sand transport, Geophysical Research Letters(IF: 4.578)42(6),2063-2070 (2015/03/28).
P. Hu, W. Li, Z. He*,T. Pähtz, Z. Yue,Well-balanced and flexible morphological modeling of swash hydrodynamics and sediment transport, Coastal Engineering(IF: 3.850)96, 27-37 (2015/02).
Y. Zhang,T. Pähtz*, Y. Liu*, X. Wang, R. Zhang, Y. Shen, R. Ji, B. Cai,Electric Field and Humidity Trigger Contact Electrification, Physical Review X(IF: 12.211)5(1), 011002 (2015/01/13).
T. Pähtz*, O. Durán, T. D. Ho, A. Valance, J. F. Kok,The fluctuation energy balance in non-suspended fluid-mediated particle transport, Physics of Fluids(IF: 2.627)27(1), 013303 (2015/01).
T. Pähtz, E. J. R. Parteli, J. F. Kok, H. J. Herrmann,Analytical model for flux saturation in sediment transport, Physical Review E(IF: 2.353)89(5), 052213 (2014/05/30).
T. Pähtz*, E. J. R. Parteli, J. F. Kok, H. J. Herrmann,Flux Saturation Length of Sediment Transport, Physical Review Letters(IF: 9.227)111(21), 218002 (2013/11/20).
M. V. Carneiro, N. A. M.Araújo,T. Pähtz, H. J. Herrmann,Midair Collisions Enhance Saltation, Physical Review Letters(IF: 9.227)111(5), 058001 (2013/08/02).
T. Pähtz, J. F. Kok, H. J. Herrmann,The apparent surface roughness of a sand surface blown by wind from an analytical model of saltation, New Journal of Physics(IF: 3.773)14(4), 043035 (2012/04/25).
M. V. Carneiro,T. Pähtz, H. J. Herrmann,Jump at the Onset of Saltation, Physical Review Letters(IF: 9.227)107(9), 098001 (2011/08/26).
T. Pähtz, H. J. Herrmann, T. Shinbrot*,Why do particle clouds generate electric charges?, Nature Physics(IF: 20.113)6(5), 364-368 (2010/05).
Summary of Journal Articles:
1x Nature Physics (IF: 20.113)
1x Reviews of Geophysics (IF: 16.725)
1x Physical Review X (IF: 12.211)
5x Physical Review Letters (IF: 9.227)
2x Geophysical Research Letters (IF: 4.578)
4x Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface (IF: 4.253)
1x Coastal Engineering (IF: 3.850)
1x New Journal of Physics (IF: 3.773)
1xJournal of Hydraulic Research (IF: 2.974)
1xJournal of Computational Physics (IF: 2.845)
1x Physics of Fluids (IF: 2.627)
1x Water (IF:2.524)
2x Physical Review Fluids (IF: 2.442)
1x Physical Review E (IF: 2.353)
1xJournal of Hydraulic Engineering(IF: 2.206)
1xGeosciences (IF: 1.91)

