TED suzhou

於2011年10月7日獲得TED總部審批,由一群有激情、有理想,有思想,想要利用教育改變生活的蘇州本地團隊,以非營利組織的方式獨立經營。我們的宗旨是: 傳遞優秀思想,通過開展TED相關的現場演講、視頻放映、分享沙龍等活動,不斷進行主題延伸和拓展,涉及藝術、文化、心理等各個方面。我們堅信思想的力量可以去改變世界創造未來,提倡實踐、分享、合作,立足於蘇州這個歷史文化積澱千年同時現代文明開放創新的兼容並包的名城,更多挖掘非比尋常、富有創新精神、鼓舞人心、被人忽視但卻異常珍貴的思想,我們將很深奧的東西通過講故事的形式,抽絲剝繭的揭示其背後的奧秘,打造一個傳播創想的舞台。
TEDxSuzhou is born in Oct 7th,2011.TEDxSuzhou is a local, independent and nonprofit organization born in Oct 7th ,2011 in the approval of TED headquarters, consisting of people with passion, dream, ideas and the goal to utilize education to change our life. Our aim is to spread the excellent ideas, and
continuously to extend and expand our themes referred to art, culture, psychology and other aspects, trough various live lectures related to TED, video screenings, salons and other activities. We firmly believe that the power of ideas can change the world and create the world. As well as, we advocate the practice, share, cooperation. Based on the well-known city-Suzhou with historical and cultural heritage and innovate, open and modern civilization, we will focus on seeking the unusual, innovative, inspiring and extremely precious but neglected ideas. By the form of telling the stories, we will painstakingly reveal the mystery behind the facts and create the stage to spread the ideas.
Gathered with native talents, the first TEDxSuzhou meeting will be opened in Mar 25th, 2012.


