Sweet as lovers do(楊桐演唱的歌曲)

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《Sweet as lovers do》是楊桐作詞作曲並演唱的歌曲,收錄於《Sweet as lovers do》專輯中。


  • 外文名:Sweet as lovers do
  • 所屬專輯:Sweet as lovers do
  • 歌曲原唱:楊桐
  • 填詞:楊桐
At this moment your beautiful eyes are focusing on mine
I've been dreaming about all this long long ago
Thinking of one day we could fall in love
Sweet as lovers do
Dancing along with our favorite song
It's you
It's you
In the coming future
We won't rely all on our promises
Just living for love and sorting everything out
Everything out
We have faith in us
Holding our breath and counting to three
Nothing ever changes
We are still living in our fantasy
I will memorize about all your love and our little secrets
We know the whole world is before us but we are not scared
Nothing's gonna hold us back
I will hold your hand with me and I know our love is a destiny
We will travel and see this world and listen to our favorite cds


