Superhero (Heroes & Villains)

Superhero (Heroes & Villains)

《Superhero (Heroes & Villains)》是Metro Boomin製作,Future克里斯·布朗演唱的歌曲,收錄於Metro Boomin 2022年12月2日發行的專輯《HEROES & VILLAINS》中。


  • 外文名:Superhero (Heroes & Villains)
  • 歌曲時長:3分2秒
  • 歌曲原唱Future克里斯·布朗
  • 音樂風格:Trap
  • 發行日期:2022年12月2日
  • 歌曲語言:英語
  • 製作人Metro Boomin


Yeah, yeah, two
Metro Boomin製作
Yeah, yeah
Drinking dope turned me to a superhero, yeah, yeah
超能大力下肚 我秒變超級英雄
Hit that pill, turned me to a superhero, yeah, yeah (Super)
超能糖片下肚 我秒變超級英雄
Boominati turned me to a superhero, yeah, yeah (Metro)
和Metro Boomin同行 我秒變超級英雄
(If Young Metro don't trust you, I'm gon' shoot you)
(Metro Boomin製作)
I'm on that dope again, I'm on that flow again
磕點好貨 使出看家flow盡情炫耀
Switch up the flow again, yeah, yeah (Switch it)
轉變flow 輕鬆自如
Flyer than a parachute, grippin' that pole again
哥們比降落傘還飛 抓住那把火器
I'm on that oil again, yeah, yeah
Candy in the cup, gotta get paid (What?)
杯子裡有好貨 不過是得付出點代價的
King of the streets (Yeah), young nigga made
成為街區之王 年輕的哥們做到了
Sprayin' up the crowd, takе it to the grave
向人群噴灑香檳 將財產帶到墳墓中
Ain't having problems, I'm sipping thе Barre
看起來沒什麼顧慮 我品嘗著這美酒
Shoutout to Dallas, my bitch is a star
給達拉斯牛仔隊致敬 我女人是個艷星
Nigga get rich, better take it to war (Yeah)
哥們富可敵國 最好帶著它去打仗
Piss on your casket, shoot at your broad
尿在你棺木上 然後對著你女人開一木倉
Do you somethin' nasty, roll you in a 'gar
風流事做盡 把你卷進煙里
Bitch get graphic, **** me in a car
妹子心領神會 和我在車裡纏綿
I get you a brand new Rollie tomorrow
I put a brand new Rollie on your arm
Ain't moving slow but I'm still on oil (Skrrt)
我開一腳油門 速度自然慢不下來
Tennis bracelets and they came with the frost (Frost)
網球手鍊 上面鑲嵌滿了鑽石
Cuban links all the way up to your jaw (All the way up)
Step up the swag when I step on a broad
當我和女人纏綿的時候 我照樣穿的有范
Two dollar a half, ooh, that's the cheapest one
250萬美金 這估計是我最便宜的車了
Stacking these hundreds up, like coupons
Told you from the begin, upper echelon
我再次告訴你 哥們現在是上流人士
I get to stacking up, I'm untouchable
當我堆疊起大鈔 沒人能觸碰我底線
I get to represent, money multiple
我可是出頭人物 錢成幾何級數翻番
I'm at the top of the charts, unapproachable
當我高居榜首時 無人能及我高度
Bread by the loaf, turbo the motor
Tic-Tac-Toe, kill another vulture
滴答滴答 再幹掉另外一個大目標
Selling the bowls, bitch do yoga
賣點好貨給他們 我女人在做瑜伽
I deserve awards, serving these boulders
我值得獲得大獎 賣出大堆珍稀寶石
A hundred grand large when I shop, that's the total
Fill up the garage, bitch, I'm a mogul
豪車填滿車庫 哥可是汽車大亨
Ain't no facade, ain't no fugaze
哥不故意充門面 玩的都是真的
I jump it off, I get paid
跳出這怪圈 票子就能大把大把拿
Drop top Royce, I'm going crazy
坐在敞篷勞斯萊斯中 我純走瘋狂
I push off, smoking on haze
一腳油門 瞬間煙霧籠罩
Not tryna floss, Cartier shades
沒在刻意炫耀 這是貨真價實卡地亞墨鏡
Candy in the cup, gotta get paid (What?)
杯子裡有好貨 不過是得付出點代價的
King of the streets (Yeah), young nigga made
成為街區之王 年輕的哥們做到了
Sprayin' up the crowd, take it to the grave
向人群噴灑香檳 將財產帶到墳墓中
Ain't having problems, I'm sipping the Barre
看起來沒什麼問題 我品嘗著這美酒
Shoutout to Dallas, my bitch is a star
給達拉斯牛仔隊致敬 我女人是個艷星
Nigga get rich, better take it to war (Yeah)
哥們富可敵國 最好帶著它去打仗
Piss on your casket, shoot at your broad
尿在你棺木上 然後對著你女人開一木倉
Do you somethin' nasty, roll you in a 'gar
風流事做盡 把你卷進煙里
Bitch get graphic, **** me in a car
妹子心領神會 和我在車裡纏綿
I get you a brand new Rollie tomorrow
I put a brand new Rollie on your arm
Ain't moving slow but I'm still on oil (Skrrt)
我開一腳油門 速度自然慢不下來
Tennis bracelets and they came with the frost (Frost)
網球手鍊 上面鑲嵌滿了鑽石
Cuban links all the way up to your jaw (All the way up)
Step up the swag when I step on a broad
當我和女人纏綿的時候 我照樣穿的有范
Dark Knight feeling, die and be a hero
如同黑暗騎士一般 或是死去 或是為英雄
Or live long enough to see yourself become a villain
或者渾渾噩噩活著 看到自己變成一個惡棍
Soon as you up, these niggas wanna bring you down
你一出場 這些傢伙就想把你扳倒
The weight of the world sit on my shoulders, hold the crown
肩膀上承受著全世界的重量 戴好你的王冠
I ain't got a cape so I can't save you now
我不戴斗篷 所以我不能拯救你(對應metro上一張專輯的名字)
Niggas wanna hate (Yeah), rather see you drown (Yeah)
他們充滿仇恨 巴不得看到你沉淪下去
And the world keep spinnin' (And)
Like I'm the only one in it (Am I the only one?) Why?
They don't wanna see you winnin' (No, no, no, no)
So who's really the villain? (Yeah, ooh)
Who's the villain? Who's the villain?
Live long enough to see yourself become a villain
活下去 直到看到你自己變成惡棍的時候...




