In my head, I play a supercut of us 往事倒帶 All the magic we gave off 那時我們身上散發的彼此吸引的魅力 All the love we had and lost 那些難以釋懷的分分合合 And in my head The visions never stop 揮之不去 縈繞在我的腦海 These ribbons wrap me up 總受困於昨日回憶 逃脫不掉 But when I reach for you 每當我靠近你 There's just a supercut 往事便浮現在腦海 In your car, the radio up 那時我坐在你的車裡 收音機開得正響 In your car, the radio up 那時我坐在你的車裡 收音機開得正響 We keep trying to talk about us 我們曾試圖努力搭話 I'm someone you maybe might love 我大概是你喜歡的人吧 I'll be your quiet afternoon crush 你若願意 我想我可以成為你的午後情人 恬靜又依人 Be your violent overnight rush 亦可以扮演著那個帶給你躁動夜晚的角色 Make you crazy over my touch 於指尖流動著狂熱 But it's just a supercut of us Supercut of us 但這僅僅是往事的閃影 Oh, it's just a supercut of us Supercut of us 時光流逝 君已歸去 So I fall Into continents and carsmelodrama中supercut內頁
我想起了我們曾一起去的地方 車水馬龍歷歷在目
All the stages and the stars 想起了我們曾親歷的華美舞台 漫天的璀璨星光 I turn all of it To just a supercut 我回憶了許多許多 只是想留住曾經的美好 'Cause in my head (in my head, I do everything right) 只是因為在我幻想里一切事情都可以按原有軌跡進行 When you call (when you call, I'll forgive and not fight) 當你再一次打電話給我 我想我會克制住自己並選擇原諒你 Because ours (are the moments I play in the dark) 我總在黑暗中反覆吟唱我們的故事 We were wild and fluorescent, come home to my heart, uh 我們曾擁有多么熾熱的情感 於彼此眼中閃閃發光 In your car, the radio up 那時我坐在你的車裡 收音機開得正響 In your car, the radio up 那時我坐在你的車裡 收音機開得正響 We keep trying to talk about us 我們曾努力深入了解彼此 Slow motion, I'm watching our love 而今我緩慢又仔細地回味我們一起走過的那段時光 I'll be your quiet afternoon crush 你若願意 我想我可以成為你的午後情人 恬靜又依人 Be your violent overnight rush 亦可以扮演著那個帶給你躁動夜晚的角色 Make you crazy over my touch 於指尖流動著狂熱 But it's just a supercut of us Supercut of us 但這些都僅僅是往事的閃影 Oh, it's just a supercut of us Supercut of us 時光流逝 君已歸去 But it's just a supercut of us Supercut of us 但這些都僅僅是往事的閃影 Oh, it's just a supercut of us Supercut of us 都只是流逝的時光 'Cause in my head In my head, I do everything right 只是因為在我幻想里一切事情都可以按原有軌跡進行 When you call I'll forgive and not fight 當你再一次打電話給我 我想我會克制住自己並選擇原諒你 All the moments I play in the dark 那些於黑暗中反覆吟唱的故事啊 Wild and fluorescent, come home to my heart 那時的我們熱情似火 於彼此眼中閃閃發光 'Cause in my head (in my head, I do everything right) 在我幻想里一切事情都可以按原有軌跡進行 When you call (when you call, I'll forgive and not fight) 當你再一次打電話給我 我想我會克制住自己並選擇原諒你 Because ours (are the moments I play in the dark) 曾在黑暗中反覆吟唱過往 We were wild and fluorescent, come home to my heart 只因我們曾身陷熱戀 閃閃發光 'Cause in my head (in my head, I do everything right) 在我幻想里一切事情都可以按原有軌跡進行 When you call (when you call, I'll forgive and not fight) 當你再一次打電話給我 我想我會克制住自己並選擇原諒你 Because ours (are the moments I play in the dark) 只因曾在黑暗中反覆吟唱過往 We were wild and fluorescent, come home to my heart 只因我們曾身陷熱戀 閃閃發光 In my head, I do everything right 在我幻想里一切事情都可以按原有軌跡進行 In my head, I do everything right 一切來的完美又恰當