Summer Getaway

Summer Getaway

《Summer Getaway》是2009年8月出版的圖書,作者是Ron。


  • 中文名:Summer Getaway
  • 作者:Ron
  • ISBN:9781607490197
  • 出版時間:2009年8月
Six teenagers have just graduated from high school and are planning on having a little summer fun before they go off to college. The idea to take a summer trip to the western Cascade Mountains was originally Lee's idea. Lee McKenzie is somewhat rambunctious, and a trip like this is just what the doctor ordered. However, a series of inexplicable, sinister dreams haunt the teenagers before their trip commences. Dreams of morbid creatures, hellish ghouls, and warnings from some entity are only the beginning, only the initial stages of the terror and unforgettable journey that the six friends will face. Into their journey, they encounter sinister, chilling warnings from a complete stranger, one that Ann recognizes from one of her dreams. Their journey will ultimately test their wits and their desire to live. The teens will learn the pain of sacrifice and the realness of despair. What is it inside those mountains that haunts them with every movement and with every thought? Will the unparallel evil prevail, or will the strength and desire to live, and friendship, overcome in the end?


