Stuart Little

Stuart Little



  • 中文名:Stuart Little 
  • 別名:精靈鼠小弟
  • 作者:E.B.White
  • 出版時間:1991年11月
  • 出版社: Listening Library
  • ISBN:9780553455304
  • 裝幀:平裝


原文(For decades, E.B. White's charming, bittersweet tales of friendship and adventure have enchanted audiences young and old alike. Now the magic of this beloved classic comes to life in a delightful and completely unabridged recording, read by award-winning actress Julie Harris. Stuart Little is a shy, philosophical little mouse with a big heart and a taste for adventure. In spite of his diminutive stature, barely two inches tall, Stuart sets forth into the world wtih some mighty big plans: to ride a Fifth Avenue bus, to win a sailboat race in Central Park, and to teach school for a day. But Stuart's greatest adventure begins when he decides to find his best friend, Margalo, a pretty little bird who once lived in a Boston fern in the Littles' house in New York City. Climbing into his tiny car, Stuart hits the open road, sure he's heading in the right direction, only to find himself in for a big surprise. Filled with warmth, wit and wonder, Stuart Little, is a timeless tale that speaks to the heroic spirit in all of us - no matter what our size.)
中文翻譯 (幾十年來,束白色的迷人,苦樂參半的友情故事和冒險的年輕人和老年人都有令觀眾著迷。現在魔術這個心愛的經典來生活在一個愉快的、完全刪節錄音,讀獲獎女演員朱莉·。精靈鼠小弟是一個害羞的小老鼠,哲學有一個大的心和冒險的味道。儘管他矮小,2英寸高,斯圖爾特闡述入世與一些大的計畫:乘坐五分之一路公共汽車,贏得一個帆船在中央公園的比賽,和教學校的一天。斯圖爾特最偉大的冒險開始時,他決定找到他最好的朋友,馬佳羅,一隻漂亮的小鳥曾經居住在波士頓蕨在小小的房子在紐約。爬進他的車,斯圖爾特訪問開放的道路,他肯定是朝著正確的方向前進,卻發現自己在一個大驚喜。充滿溫暖,機智和奇蹟,斯圖爾特,是一個永恆的故事,講的英勇精神在我們所有人——無論我們的大小。)


原文(Style is even more important in children's books than in those for adults, said the New York Times reviewer of Stuart Little, E.B. White's first book for children, in 1954. White -- an essayist whose elegant, deceptively simple writings for Harper's and The New Yorker had garnered him national acclaim -- may have seemed an unlikely children s book author, but Stuart Little proved that good writing (and style) could translate to any genre, even to books for readers too young to enjoy his Talk of the Town pieces.White had in fact been writing ever since he was a child, growing up in the "leafy suburbs" of Mount Vernon, New York. "I fell in love with the sound of an early typewriter and have been stuck with it ever since," he said later. After graduating from Cornell University in 1921, he tried to turn his facility with words into some form of gainful employment, but found advertising too dull and news reporting too taxing. Finally the Seattle Times asked him to create a small daily column of brief anecdotes and light verse, and White joined Mark Twain in the pantheon of American newspaper humorists.)


