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  • 外文名:stripe
  • 詞性:名詞、動詞
  • 英式音標:[straɪp]
  • 美式音標:[straɪp]


英 [straɪp] 美 [straɪp]
n. 條紋,線條;(軍裝上表示等級的)臂章,軍階條;類型,特點
v. 給……加條紋
[ 複數 stripes 第三人稱單數 stripes 現在分詞 striping 過去式 striped 過去分詞 striped ]


magnetic stripe 磁條,磁片
magnetic stripe card 磁條 ; 磁條卡 ; 磁條卡片 ; 磁帶卡
stripe set 條帶集 ; 等量磁區 ; 帶區集磁碟
Chinese stripe-necked turtle 中華花龜


  • She wore a bright green jogging suit with a white stripe down the sides. 她穿了一套側邊有一條白色條紋的艷綠色慢跑服。
  • To see that, look very closely at the bottom edge of the stripe in the next photo, about an inch to the left of center. 要想發現那個,可以往下張照片裡條紋的底部邊緣,大約在中間偏左一英寸處,使勁湊近看。
  • Some barrels are red with a white candy stripe on the sides. 有些桶是紅色的,邊上有白色的糖果條紋。
  • Spot and Stripe are the first tiger cubs that have ever been born here. 斑點和條紋是在這裡出生的第一批小老虎。
  • The number "one" is shown in turn by two white stripes, two black stripes, two white stripes, and one black stripe. 數字“1”由兩條白條紋、兩條黑條紋、兩條白條紋和一條黑條紋依次表示。
  • When Spot and Stripe were four months old, they were learning how to open doors and jump fences, and we knew it really was time for them to go. 當斑點和條紋四個月大的時候,他們正在學習如何開門和跳柵欄,我們知道是時候讓他們離開了。
  • The Alvis' wheel-clamp was soon copied by a certain stripe of computer hobbyist. 阿爾維斯的輪夾很快就被某個計算機愛好者複製了。
  • A thin magnetic stripe (magstripe) is all that stands between your credit card information and the bad guys. 你的信用卡信息和壞人之間只隔著一個薄磁條。
  • A potyvirus was found to be causing rugose and yellow stripe symptoms. 發現了一種引起畸形黃條症狀的線狀病毒。
  • Pass the tip of a wand reader over a magnetically encoded stripe of a merchandise ticket, credit card, or employee badge. 將條形碼讀入器的端部在商品標籤、信用卡和雇員證的磁性編碼條紋上掃掠。
  • And the last device, again a stripe. 最後一個設備,又是條帶。
  • Stripe of blood, o sail of death! 血帶上,喔,死亡之帆!
  • The md1 (stripe) will be used as swap. md 1(條帶)會當成交換分區使用。
  • The best maple produces a superb stripe effect. 上等的楓木會產生出色的聲帶效應。
  • A common GUI trick is to stripe long lists or tables. 一種常用的GUI技巧是給長的列表或表格加上條紋效果。
  • Just put your debit card into the mag-stripe reader. 只需把借記卡塞入磁卡讀卡器,叮!
  • A thin stripe on the left is actually a rather wide road. 在左邊潛條文實際上是寬闊的道路。
  • Pin-stripe. The recognized business colors are black. 認職業裝的顏色是黑色或灰色暗色調或淺。
  • Create a RAID 0 (stripe) device called md1 and use it as swap. 創建一個RAID0(條帶)設備稱為md 1,用作交換區。
  • Aquiline nose: White clay arrow stripe to look more streamlined. 鷹鉤鼻:用白色黏土做成箭頭狀條紋,以增加流線美。
  • It really isn't necessary to place these files on stripe sets. 將這些檔案放到分條磁碟區中真的沒有必要。
  • Stripe-faced fruit bat (Styloctenium mindorensis), Philippines 斑面果蝠(Stylocteniummindorensis),菲律賓
  • Each new state would get its own star on the flag, but not a stripe. 每個州都能有一個星星來代表它,而並非一條橫紋。
  • Critical to these results are magnetic stripe patterns in the seafloor. 這些成果的關鍵是在海底磁條模式。
  • Stripe the log across multiple disks at the operating system level. 在作業系統層將日誌分放到多個磁碟。
  • Our swap will be a stripe, as we want performance and no redundancy is needed. 我們的交換分區是一個條帶,因為我們想要性能和不需要冗餘。


