standing order指在一定時間內有效,由場內交易員以最優價格成交的訂單類型。
(1) 長期定貨單
(2) [pl.](醫院對住院病人的)常規檢查
(3) 現行命令; 長期命令或規則; 標準作戰程式
(5) 美國市場訂單類型,區別於市價單(market order),限價單(limit order)(A standing order is an order to buy or sell a certain number ofshares atthe best available price over a certain time period. The order is given to a floor broker who is
able to exercise discretion over the exact timing of the trades needed to fill the order by waiting
in the “crowd” at the specialist’s post and responding to incoming market orders by bettering
the current quote.)
able to exercise discretion over the exact timing of the trades needed to fill the order by waiting
in the “crowd” at the specialist’s post and responding to incoming market orders by bettering
the current quote.)