Stack And Sway

Stack And Sway

《Stack And Sway》是一本圖書,作者是Kressel, Neil J.; Kressel, Dorit F.;


  • ISBN:9780813342412
  • 作者:Kressel, Neil J.; Kressel, Dorit F.;
  • 出版時間:2004年3月
  • 頁數:310
  • 定價:$ 16.95
A new - and largely hidden - profession has emerged during the past three decades. Drawing on the techniques of modern social science, psychology, and market research, its practitioners seek to remake the way we pursue justice in the United States. Trial consultants help lawyers to pick - some would say, stack - juries predisposed to render the "right" verdict. And consultants ...(展開全部) A new - and largely hidden - profession has emerged during the past three decades. Drawing on the techniques of modern social science, psychology, and market research, its practitioners seek to remake the way we pursue justice in the United States. Trial consultants help lawyers to pick - some would say, stack - juries predisposed to render the "right" verdict. And consultants apply sophisticated research methods to predict how jurors are likely to respond to arguments, witnesses, and evidence. Based on the results of the research, they craft case strategies, help to prepare witnesses, and test and retest arguments - all before a single word is uttered in open court. For fees that sometimes approach six, or even seven, figures, the new jury experts offer attorneys and their clients what they most desire - a way to remove uncertainty.What are we to make of this new industry? Do the techniques work? Is this, as some critics have argued, a new form of high-tech jury-rigging, not much more acceptable than cruder forms of jury tampering? Or do the methods of jury consultants amount to little more than an extension of what attorneys have always done? One thing is clear. The profession is growing steadily. Jury consultants have already made their mark in big-money civil cases. And they have played key roles in prominent criminal trials. After hearing jurors acquit in the O. J. Simpson case, the first person thanked by defense attorney Johnnie Cochran was his jury expert. The burgeoning of the trial consulting industry seems destined to continue. During the past few years,


