《Sparrow Falls》是2009年出版的圖書,作者是Smith, Wilbur。
- 外文名:Sparrow Falls
- 作者:Smith, Wilbur
- 頁數:600 頁
- ISBN:9780330505789
Mark never heard the Mauser shot for the bullet came ahead of the sound. There was only the massive shock in the upper part of his body, and then he was hurled backwards with a violence that drove the air from his lungs. From the trenches of France, General Sean Courtney comes back to fame, fortune and a seat in the Government. Mark Anders, the courageous young South African whom he has come to regard as his own son, returns to nothing, his grandfather murdered, and his property seized by an unknown company. At the bottom of the mystery is Sean's son Dirk, the jealous, violent and power-crazed genius whose all-consuming hatred can only end in blood...'The world's leading adventure writer' - "Daily Express". 'The pace would do credit to a Porsche, and the invention is as bright and explosive as a fireworks display' - "Sunday Telegraph". ' ...action follows action ...mystery is piled on mystery ...tales to delight the millions of addicts of the gutsy adventure story' - "Sunday Express".