Snowshoe Thompson

Snowshoe Thompson

《Snowshoe Thompson》是1995年12月HarperCollins出版的圖書,作者是Author: Nancy Smiler Levinson。


  • 外文名:Snowshoe Thompson 
  • 別名:穿雪鞋的郵差湯普森
  • 作者:Nancy Smiler Levinson(南希·斯米勒·萊文森)、Joan Sandin(瓊·桑丁) 繪
  • 出版時間:1995年12月15日
  • 出版社:HarperCollins
  • 頁數:64 頁
  • ISBN:9780064442060
  • 類別:兒童圖書
  • 裝幀:平裝
內容簡介,作者簡介 ,


Book Description
Danny wishes his dad would come home from Nevada for Christmas and writes him a letter to tell him so. When snow cuts off the mail until spring, only postman John Thompson can get through the Sierra Nevada Mountains to deliver his letter. Based on a true story, this is lively historical fiction with a nice sense of character and adventure, and the illustrations are packed with feeling and action.


About the Author
Nancy Smiler Levinson was born in 1938 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. A graduate of the University of Minnesota, she worked as a reporter, researcher, editor, and Head Start teacher before taking time to raise her two children. It was while reading to her kids when they were toddlers that Levinson first became interested in writing for young people, and in 1981 she published her first novel for young readers, World of Her Own. The first of many critically acclaimed biographies came in 1981, and since then Levinson has written a variety of well-received fiction and nonfiction for beginning readers as well as middle grade and young adult audiences.
Levinson has also contributed articles and stories to such publications as Seventeen magazine, Highlights for Children, Library Journal, and the Los Angeles Times. She has been a tutor for disabled children. She lives in California, where she enjoys reading and attending theater and symphonies.


