Dear Santa 親愛的聖誕老人 It's me Ariana 我是愛莉安娜 I know it's been awhile but I really need 我知道過了很久 Your help this year 但今年我真的需要你的幫助 Let me make this clear 事情是這樣的
See I really love him 我真的非常愛他 And it's been kinda tough cause 但事情有些難辦 He's only in town for the holidays 他只有在假日回來 Tomorrow he's flying away 明天他就要坐飛機走了 Away from me 離開我了 I don't need another gift 我不需要禮物 I just have one wish 我只有一個願望 This year can you 今年你能不能 Just make it snow in california 讓大雪下在加利福尼亞 I'll even settle for rain 就算是下雨也好 Don't want him to go tomorrow morning 不想讓他明早就走 Give me something to make him stay 想點辦法讓我留住他 Wrapped in his arms by the fireplace 在壁爐前躺在他的懷裡 Will be the perfect gift 這就是我心中最完美的禮物 Let it snow let it snow let it snow 讓它快點下雪吧 Let it snow 讓雪 In Calif-orn-i-a 下在加利福-I-A Dear Santa 親愛的聖誕老人 What happened to the plan we had 我們說好的呢 I checked the news and it said 我看了天氣預報 It'd be a sunny day 明天是晴天 Make it go away 快讓它消失 See I I really need him to stay 我真的需要他留下 For a couple more days 只要多幾天 Can't you make his 你能不能 Five o'clock flight delay 讓他5點的航班延誤 Won't you find a way 難道你不能想想辦法嗎 I don't need another gift 我不需要禮物 I just have one wish 我只有一個願望 This year can you 今年你能不能 Just make it snow in california 讓大雪下在加利福尼亞 I'll even settle for rain 就算是下雨也好 Don't want him to go tomorrow morning 不想讓他明早就走 Give me something to make him stay 想點辦法讓我留住他 Wrapped in his arms by the fireplace 在壁爐前躺在他的懷裡 Will be the perfect gift 這就是我心中最完美的禮物 Let it snow let it snow let it snow 讓它快點下雪吧 Let it snow 讓雪 In Calif-orn-i-a 下在加利福-I-A I know I'm asking for the impossible 我知道我無理取鬧 But I believe in miracles 但我相信有奇蹟 I need my baby right here with me 我要他和我一起留在這裡 So please, please 所以求求你 Just make it snow in california 讓大雪下在加利福尼亞 I'll even settle for rain 就算下雨也好 Don't want him to go tomorrow morning 不想讓他明早就走 Give me something to make him stay 想點辦法讓我留住他 Wrapped in his arms by the fireplace 在壁爐前躺在他的懷裡 Will be the perfect gift 這就是我心中最完美的禮物 Let it snow let it snow let it snow 讓它快點下雪吧 Let it snow 讓雪 In Calif-orn-i-a 下在加利福-I-A
歌手名稱:Ariana Grande(愛莉安娜·格蘭德)Ariana Grande
其他名字: Cat、Ari、小牛
家庭成員:爸爸Edward Butera,媽媽Joan Grande,哥哥Frankie Grande
2008年,在百老匯音樂劇《13》中飾演 Charlotte一角並藉此獲得了國家青年戲劇協會獎。當Ariana決定出演音樂劇後便中斷了在高中( North Broward Preparatory School)的學習,但仍是該校註冊在案的學生。學校會發給她學習資料以便家庭教師輔導她學習。