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  • 外文名:slate
  • 詞性:名詞、動詞、形容詞
  • 英式讀音:sleɪt
  • 美式讀音:sleɪt


英 [sleɪt] 美 [sleɪt]
n. 板岩,石板;(蓋房頂的)石板瓦;(舊時學生用以寫字的)石板;<英>(尤指對食物和飲料)賒賬,掛賬;筆記型電腦;候選人名單,提名名單;<美>一系列資助;(置於攝影機前的)(識別一次電影拍攝鏡頭細節起訖的)開拍板
v. <英>(尤指在報紙上)批評,抨擊;預定,計畫,安排;<美>推舉,選定;用石板鋪蓋(某物,尤指屋頂);用鏡頭起訖板識別(鏡頭)
adj. 石板色的,深藍灰色的
【名】 (Slate)(英)斯萊特(人名)
[ 複數 slates 第三人稱單數 slates 現在分詞 slating 過去式 slated 過去分詞 slated ]


slate /sleɪt/ CET6+ TEM4 ( slating, slated, slates )
1.N-UNCOUNT Slate is a dark grey rock that can be easily split into thin layers. Slate is often used for covering roofs. (常用來做屋頂建材的) 石板
2.N-COUNT A slate is one of the small flat pieces of slate that are used for covering roofs. 石板瓦
3.V-T PASSIVE If something is slated to happen, it is planned to happen at a particular time or on a particular occasion. (在特定時間或者條件下) 選定 [美國英語]
4.V to cover (a roof) with slates 用石板瓦蓋屋頂
5.V to criticize harshly; censure 嚴厲批評; 譴責
6.ADJ of the colour slate 石板色; 深藍灰色
7.PHRASE If you start with a clean slate, you do not take account of previous mistakes or failures and make a fresh start. 不計前嫌重新開始; 既往不咎


Slate grey 鼠灰色 ; 淺橄欖灰 ; 灰石色 ; 深藍灰
slate blue 板岩暗藍灰色
light slate gray 淺石板灰 ; 淺藍灰色 ; 亮藍灰 ; 亮石板灰
a blank slate 乾淨的黑板 ; 新的一頁 ; 清潔的黑板 ; 潔淨的黑板
slate conveyor 板條式輸送帶
Roofing Slate 瓦板 ; [建] 瓦用板岩 ; 板岩 ; 瓦板岩
clay slate [岩] 粘板岩 ; 粘土石板瓦 ; 黏板岩 ; 黏土板岩
slate coal 板岩煤 ; 岩石煤
slate powder 板岩粉
clean slate 清白歷史
wipe the slate clean 勾銷往事
on the slate [英國口語]賒賬,掛賬
clean the slate 了結往事;免除義務


  • The sea was the colour of slate. 大海的顏色像石板。
  • A loose slate had fallen from the roof. 一塊鬆動的石板瓦從房頂上掉了下來。
  • The area has been mined for slate for centuries. 這個地區開採板岩有數百年了。
  • Mind that loose slate—Oh, it's coming down! 小心那鬆動了的石板——喔,它要塌下來了!
  • The slate was clearly fitted for my mood of the moment. 石板顯然很適合我當時的心情。
  • Their Starbucks cup filled with water and cigarette butts has spilled and gotten nicotine brown water on the slate in the front of the church steps. 星巴克杯子裡裝滿的水和菸蒂灑了出來,褐色的尼古丁水灑在教堂台階前的石板上。
  • If they decide to invest in color-changing tile that looks like slate at first glance, because it makes them happy, then who are we to deny their choices? 如果他們決定投資第一眼看上去像是石板磚的變色瓷磚,因為這讓他們高興,那么我們憑什麼去否定他們的選擇呢?
  • Their cottage was roofed with green slate. 他們的小房子蓋的是綠瓦。
  • The proposal is to pay everything you owe, so that you can start with a clean slate. 奉勸你還清所有債務,這樣你就可以重新開始。
  • Do you remember what I wrote on the slate? 你還記得我在寫字板上寫的字嗎?
  • Tom scrawled on his slate, Please take it--I got more. 湯姆在他的寫字板上潦草地寫著:請收下吧——我還多著呢。
  • In the middle of this blank slate, is where my program is going to go. 白板的中間,是我的程式執行的地方。
  • Now Tom began to scrawl something on the slate, hiding the words from the girl. 這時,湯姆開始在寫字板上潦草地寫著什麼,用手擋住不讓那姑娘看見。
  • Now the boy began to draw something on the slate, hiding his work with his left hand. 現在,男孩開始在寫字板上畫東西,用左手遮著。
  • No karmic similarities of personality or anything, just starts over like a blank slate. 沒有人格上或者任何事物的因果相似,就像一塊白板一樣重新開始。
  • Let's swivel it around for just a moment, so we have a blank slate and now what's really going on? 讓我們把它轉一下,這樣我們就有了一塊空白,現在到底發生了什麼?
  • You need to create a sort of blank slate within yourself to begin reconstructing how you see the world. 你需要在自己的內心創造一塊白板,開始重建你看待世界的方式。
  • It's as if hand-washing in any form "wipes the slate clean" and removes the residual feelings and rationalizations associated with the choice, Lee said. 李說,這就好像任何形式的洗手都能“一筆勾銷”,消除與選擇有關的殘留感覺和合理化。
  • I love the SLATE floor. 我很喜歡石板地面。
  • I began to use a SLATE for my writing. 我開始使用石板寫作。
  • When we are born, we are a clean SLATE. 當出生時,我們是一張白紙。
  • A new intro theme called "Slate" has been added 增加了一個新的介紹主題,叫做“Slate
  • Summer vacation offers students a blank slate. 對於同學們來講,暑假就像一張白紙。
  • Each test case can then start with a clean SLATE. 這樣一來,每個測試用例都會有一個整潔的開始。
  • January is a popular time to wipe the SLATE clean. 一月正是推陳出新的大好時機。
  • It ensures this build will start from a clean SLATE. 這樣可以確保此次構建將從清潔狀態開始。
  • Start with a blank SLATE, and design your perfect day. 從一塊乾淨的黑白開始,來設計你的完美一天。
  • Accept and believe that God has wiped the SLATE clean. 接受並相信上帝已將此一筆勾銷。
  • But the SLATE was clearly fitted for my mood of the moment. 但是這石板很明顯地適合我這時期的心情。


