Sky Full Of Song

Sky Full Of Song

《Sky Full of Song》是英國獨立搖滾樂隊Florence and the Machine的第四張錄音室專輯《High As Hope》中的一首歌曲。


  • 中文名稱:充滿歌聲的天空
  • 外文名稱:Sky Full of Song
  • 所屬專輯:High As Hope
  • 歌曲時長:03:46
  • 發行時間:2018年4月12日
  • 歌曲原唱:Florence and the Machine
  • 填詞:Florence Welch,Emile Haynie,Thomas Bartlett
  • 譜曲:Florence Welch,Emile Haynie,Thomas Bartlett
  • 編曲:Emile Haynie,Florence Welch,Thomas Bartlett
  • 歌曲語言:英語
How deeply are you sleeping or are you still awake?
我睡得多么深 但我依舊清醒著
A good friend told me you've been staying out so late
一位朋友告訴我 夜如此深 你仍在外
Be careful, oh, my darling, oh, be careful what it takes
我親愛的 請小心 小心夜幕降臨帶走的一切
From what I've seen so far, the good ones always seem to break
小心我所見的一切 好的人總是容易支離破碎
And I was screaming at my father and you were screaming at me
我朝著我的父親尖叫 你朝著我尖叫
And I can feel your anger from way across the sea
我能感受到你的怒氣 即使與你遠隔汪洋
And I was kissing strangers, I was causing such a scene
我與陌生人相吻 製造這讓你尷尬的場面
Oh, the heart it hides such unimaginable things
讓你的心支離破碎 諸如此類讓你難以想像的畫面
Grab me by my ankles, I've been flying for too long
請抓住我的腳踝 我已經獨自飛翔太久
I couldn't hide from the thunder in a sky full of song
雷聲滾滾之下我無處藏身 在這充滿歌聲的天空
And I want you so badly but you could be anyone
我對你的渴望如此強烈 但你卻可以做任何人的摯愛
I couldn't hide from the thunder in a sky full of song
雷聲滾滾之下我無處藏身 在這充滿歌聲的天空
Hold me down, I'm so tired now
控制一下我吧 我現在太過疲倦
Aim your arrow at the sky
Take me down, I'm too tired now
就拿下我吧 我已經太過疲倦
Leave me where I lie
And I can tell that I'm in trouble when that music starts to play
我已經陷入困境 當音樂開始響起
In a city without seasons, it keeps raining in LA
四季未曾流轉的城市 洛城從未停止的雨水
I feel like I'm about to fall, the room begins to sway
我仿佛就要墜落 周圍的人卻開始舞動
And I can hear the sirens but I can not walk away
我能聽到警笛在拉響 我卻無法逃離
Grab me by my ankles, I've been flying for too long
請抓住我的腳踝 我已經獨自飛翔太久
I couldn't hide from the thunder in a sky full of song
雷聲滾滾之下我無處藏身 在這充滿歌聲的天空
And I want you so badly but you could be anyone
我對你的渴望如此強烈 但你卻可以做任何人的摯愛
I couldn't hide from the thunder in a sky full of song
雷聲滾滾之下我無處藏身 在這充滿歌聲的天空
Hold me down, I'm so tired now
控制一下我吧 我現在太過疲倦
Aim your arrow at the sky
Take me down, I'm too tired now
就拿下我吧 我已經太過疲倦
Leave me where I lie
I thought I was flying but maybe I'm dying tonight
我曾自以為自己在飛翔 但也許今夜我便在垂死邊緣
I thought I was flying but maybe I'm dying tonight
我曾自以為自己在飛翔 但也許今夜我便在垂死邊緣
And I thought I was flying but maybe I'm dying tonight
我曾自以為自己在飛翔 但也許今夜我便在垂死邊緣
And I thought I was flying but maybe I'm dying tonight
我曾自以為自己在飛翔 但也許今夜我便在垂死邊緣
Hold me down, I'm so tired now
控制一下我吧 我現在太過疲倦
Aim your arrow at the sky
Take me down, I'm too tired now
就拿下我吧 我已經太過疲倦
Leave me where I lie (Fire)
Hold me down, I'm too tired now
控制一下我吧 我現在太過疲倦
Aim your arrow at the sky
And take me down, I'm too tired now
就拿下我吧 我已經太過疲倦
Leave me where I lie (Fire)


