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  • 外文名:simulation
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式發音:[ˌsɪmjuˈleɪʃn]
  • 美式發音:[ˌsɪmjuˈleɪʃn]


simulation /ˌsɪmjʊˈleɪʃən/ ( simulations )
1.N-VARSimulation is the process of simulating something or the result of simulating it. 模擬; 模擬結果


system simulation[計] 系統模擬 ; [自] 系統仿真 ; 仿真 ; 系統翻譯公司
electronic simulation[生物物理] 電子模擬 ; [生物物理] 電子仿真 ; 電子模擬裝置
network simulation[計] 網路仿真 ; [計] 網路模擬
Matlab simulation 仿真 ; matlab模擬
cost simulation 成本模擬 ; 成本估算
simulation methodology[自] 仿真方法學 ; [自] 模擬方法學
continuous simulation[自] 連續模擬 ; 連續仿真 ; 翻譯
flight simulation 飛行仿真 ; 遊戲類型
simulation run[自] 仿真運行 ; 模擬運行


  • 1Training includes realistic simulation of casualty procedures.訓練包括傷亡處理程式的實際模擬。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2To make the training realistic the simulation operates in real time.為使訓練真實,模擬是實時運行的。《牛津詞典》
  • 3The simulation takes no account of the effects of coastal erosion.該模擬沒有考慮海岸侵蝕的影響。
  • 4Perception of sweet and salty foods dropped by almost 30 percent in a simulation of air travel.在模擬航空旅行中,人們對鹹甜食物的感知能力下降了近30%。
  • 5The first lesson from this is that you can go too far in simulation; locking access to individual dice is, frankly, just silly.從中我們得到的第一個教訓是,您可以深究模擬情況;坦白地說,鎖定單個骰子的機會是愚蠢的。
  • 6If the simulation can plug directly into a satellite database, it might even help future tugboat pilots safely steer with an iceberg in tow.如果模擬可以直接連入衛星資料庫,它甚至可能幫助未來的拖船駕駛員安全地拖動冰山。
  • 7A handling simulation multibody model of a midibus is built.建立了中巴的處理模擬多體模型。
  • 8A small intestinal villosity microvessels model and a circulatory simulation system were made.製作了一個小腸絨毛微血管模型和一個循環模擬系統。
  • 9UPLC-MS/MS was used to monitor changes of mepiquat chloride and chlormequat residue during tomato paste process of simulation process.用 UPLC-MS / MS 監測模擬過程中番茄醬糊劑中異丙甲草胺和氯麥草殘留的變化。
  • 10Save the simulation snapshot.保存模擬快照。
  • 11The descent simulation ends.模擬降落結束。
  • 12Process simulation implications.流程模擬剖析。
  • 13This mission is just a simulation.本次任務只是一場模擬。
  • 14This kind of simulation can be fun.這種模擬可以很有趣。
  • 15The simulation opens.模擬隨即打開。
  • 16A simulation was run with 1000 requests.對1000個請求進行了模擬。
  • 17Of course, we're only performing a simulation.當然,我們只是在執行一個模擬過程。
  • 18The simulation was planned to run for two weeks.此模擬監獄的實驗僅僅持續了兩周。
  • 19We can't use any shortcut keys in this simulation.可惜這個模擬不能使用快捷鍵。
  • 20Open the simulation snapshot by double-clicking it.通過雙擊模擬快照將其打開。
  • 21Maintaining a model or simulation of the environment.維護環境的一個模型或模擬。
  • 22In this example, the simulation may not work accurately.本示例中,該模擬可能不會準確工作。
  • 23He then wrote a computer simulation to model it that way.他於是做了一個計算機模型模擬這個方法。
  • 24This group included user simulation with built-in reports.該組包含有構建報告模擬的用戶。
  • 25Dynamic WSDL and Schema retrieval from simulation instance.從模擬實例動態地檢索WSDL和模式。
  • 26This section examines several advanced simulation features.本部分分析幾個高級模擬功能。
  • 27Provide a simulation tool for process analysis and testing.提供一個用於流程分析和測試的模擬工具。
  • 28The resource pool is also set up in each simulation profile.在每個模擬配置檔案中還設定了資源池。
  • 29If the interrupt simulation status flag is set, return EBUSY.如果設定了中斷模擬狀態標誌,它就會返回EBUSY。
  • 30The simulation tool is called the Synthetic Environment Core.模擬工具被叫做合成環境中心。


