- 外文名:shrug
- 詞性:動詞、名詞
Atlas Shrugged 《Atlas Shrugged》是2008年K Records製作發行的黑膠唱片。同名安·蘭德所著圖書見《阿特拉斯聳聳肩》。專輯曲目 Atlas Shrugged Shrug-A-Dub
聳肩試驗(shrug shoulder test)是2020年公布的手外科學名詞。定義 一種用於檢查斜方肌肌力的試驗。患者坐正,兩臂自然下垂於身旁,檢查者站於患者背後,雙手分別按在其雙肩上,然後讓患者聳肩,對比兩側聳肩的力量有無差別。聳肩無力者可...
⑴ [shrug (one’s shoulders)]∶[肩膀、肌肉等]向上動 他肩膀微微聳動一下,臉上顯出吃驚的神情 ⑵ [create a sensation]∶驚動,故意誇大事實,使人吃驚 聳動視聽 聳立 sǒng lì [tower] 高高地矗立 高大建築物的尖頂聳立在...
《Disposable Soul》是由Shrug演唱的歌曲。Disposable Soul - Shrug Poor businessman up in space Remembered Armani but forgot his face Now he laughs, knows he can never replace The disposable soul in his hand Poor business...
病毒編寫者,幾個病毒家族的作者包括Ginger和Rainbow,世界上第一個使用循環分區技巧的聯合病毒作者(Orsam),世界上第一個XMS(擴展記憶體)交換病毒的發明者(John Galt),世界上第一個使用執行緒局部存儲用作複製的病毒作者(Shrug),世界...
Shrug shrug shrug shrug shrug หยุดโพส สวย ไม่ไหวแล้ว ปัง ปัง ปัง สุดปัง ปัง ปังปะรังปั...
因Shrug這個名字與美國一支樂隊相重,更名為Polar Bear,發了一張EP後,因同樣的原因再度更名,最終確立隊名為Snow Patrol。於此同時,鼓手Jonny Quinn也正式加入。1997年,樂隊加入蘇格蘭獨立廠牌Jeepster(也是著名獨立樂隊Belle & Sebastian...
book is the first to appear the way Darwin ultimately intended, with all of the corrections and additions that were in Darwin's notes for a revision that was never published during his lifetime. "Why do we shrug?
She didn't even hear Jackson call something out to her, or see him shrug his shoulders in unoffended complacency to her non-response.她甚至沒有對她聽到傑克森呼叫出某事,或見到他聳肩對她的非回應的在不犯罪的滿足他肩。
《When Did I Get Like This?》是一本圖書,作者是Wilson, Amy 內容簡介 When Did I Get Like This? is the hilarious story of one mother's struggle to shrug off the ridiculous standards of modern parenting, and ...
not to play in Israel, the signer decides to drop a call to a Palestinian friend living in London. Answering the tortured questions of his faraway friend at the other end of the phone, he ironically seems to shrug ...
You shrug me off when I say hi 我向你打招呼時你不理不睬 You treat me so bad 你對待我這么冷漠 Despite how hard I try 儘管我那么努力地想把你挽回 Goodbye to you being wasting on my time 離開你是因為我只是在浪費...
5.But it should not simply shrugits shoulders at selectived is closure,just because the offender is using something hipper than a traditional press release.不過,美國證監會不能僅僅因為違規者使用的是一種比傳統新聞通稿更時髦...