Self in community:twentieth-century American drama by women

Self in community:twentieth-century American drama by women

《Self in community:twentieth-century American drama by women》是2020年湖北人民出版社出版的圖書。


  • 中文名:Self in community:twentieth-century American drama by women
  • 作者:李晶
  • 出版社:湖北人民出版社
  • 出版時間:2020年
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787216098649




  李晶,英語語言文學博士,中南財經政法大學外國語學院副教授、碩士生導師、套用英語系副主任,外國文學研究所副所長。華中師範大學英語語言文學學士(2001),華中師範大學英語語言文學碩士(2004),香港浸會大學英語語言文學哲學碩士(2010),香港浸會大學英語語言文學哲學博士(2016)。主要研究方向為英美現當代戲劇,文學倫理學批評,文學與經濟學跨學科研究。迄今,在《外國文學研究》、《外語與外語教學》、《華中學術》、《四川師範大學學報》、World LiteratureForum等重點核心期刊發表學術論文數十篇。主持國家社科基金課題一項,教育部人文社科基金課題一項,主持省部級課題兩項、委託課題多項。


Self in Community:An Overview of Twentieth-century American Drama by Women
1.1 Literature Review
1.2 Features of Twentieth-century American Drama by Women
1.3 The Portrayal of Women in Twentieth-Century American Drama
1.4 Theoretical Framework 016.
1.5 Women in Communities
1.6 Significance of This Study
1.7 Chapter Outlines
Chapter One Women and the Communal Moral Ideal: Sophie Treadwell's Machinal and Marsha Norman's 'night,Mother
1.1 The Relational Self and the Ethics of Care in Dominant Community
1.2 The Relational Self in Dilemma: Care for Others Versus Care for One's Self
1.3 Tension Between the Dominant Mothers and the Marginalized Daughters
1.4 The Precarious Self in the Dominant Community
1.5 Transgression Through Asserting the Right of Choice
1.6 Transformation of the Self Through Transgression
1.7 Problematic Inter-personal Relationship Evidenced in Feminine Discourse
Chapter Two The Configuration of the Self Through Communal Cultural Bonding:
Lorraine Hansberry's A Raisin in the Sun and Beth Henley's Crimes of the Heart
2.1 African-American Women and Their Communal Bonding
2.2 Southem Women's Joumey: From Self in Isolation to Self Actualization
2.3 African-American Women's Communal Bond and the Ethics of Care
2.4 Southem Women's Desire for Communal Recognition and Acceptance
2.5 The Process of Individuation and Communal Bonding Through Sharing of Experience
2.6 Self Autonomy and Women's Communal Relationship
Chapter Three Be One's Own Subject: Maria Irene Fornes' Fefu and Her Friends
and Wendy Wasserstein's The Heidi Chronicles
3.1 The Trouble of a Feminized Woman in a Hostile Community
3.2 A Woman's Struggle to Relate to Her Own Self in Relationship
3.3 Women's Struggle to Relate to Other Women
3.4 A Precarious Self in the Shaping
3.5 The Two Playwrights' Treatments of Solidarity and Self-in-Relation
Conclusion Precarious Self in a Floating Community
Works Cited

