《Science in Culture》是一本書籍,作者是Jaroszynski、Piotr。
- 外文名:Science in Culture
- 作者:Jaroszynski、Piotr
- 頁數:352 頁
- ISBN:9789042021365
《Science in Culture》是一本書籍,作者是Jaroszynski、Piotr。
from a descriptive science of group differences to a science of cultural processes. The goal of this book is to lay the theoretical foundation for this exciting development by proposing an original process model of culture...
culture and its discourses of expertise, gender neutrality, technical expediency, and objectivity. The study identifies key characteristics of scientific culture and rhetoric that continue to limit women's advancement in science ...
basic questions in both social and natural science: the question of how organic systems like society are created and maintained. Explaining Culture is an important new step in answering our most basic questions about culture...
《景觀研究》(Journal of Landscape Research)(ISSN刊號 1943-989X)是2009年1月由美國Wu Chu (USA-China) Science & Culture Media Corporation(吳楚美中科技文化傳媒公司)創辦的英文學術期刊,月刊,國際標準刊號 1943-989X。刊物...
2020年1月,擔任日本國家先進工業科學技術研究所(National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)研究員,能源與環境部(Department of Energy and Environment)全球零排放研究中心主任。2020年,當選為日本學士院院士。20...
Part 5 Philosophy and science 16Philosophy and science from the seventh to the third century BC 17Science in the Hellenistic Age Conclusion CHAPTER 2 ANCIENT ROME Introduction Part IThe history of Rome 1Historical background...
technology and non-material heritages in the world.A number of fields are covered,e.g.the history of science,technology,medicine,agriculture and traditional technology.The research perspectives include history,culture,philosophy,...
CriSiSinWesternartandCultureeducation(西方藝術和文化教育的危機)文化創意產業與學校美術教育的研究 審美能力與創新能力的對立與統 藝術教育研究的科學與社會觀點 對1923年中國小圖畫課程綱要的研究與思考 在美術教育中滲透人文關懷 台灣美術...
2020年4月,英國劍橋大學出版社推出一本新書的線上版Robert Musil and the Question of Science:Ethics, Aesthetics, and the Problem of the Two Cultures(羅伯特·穆齊爾:倫理學、美學和兩種文化問題,羅伯特·穆齊爾研究專家、澳大利亞...
In the late Qing period, from the Opium War to the 1911 revolution, China absorbed the initial impact of Western arms, manufactures, science and culture, in that order. This volume of essays deals with the reception ...