《Science Comics: Wild Weather: Storms, Meteorology, and Climate》是一本圖書。
- 中文名:Science Comics: Wild Weather: Storms, Meteorology, and Climate
- ISBN:9781626727908
《Science Comics: Wild Weather: Storms, Meteorology, and Climate》是一本圖書。
(4) An investigation into the impact of variations of ambient air pollution and meteorological factors on lung cancer mortality in Yangtze River Delta, Science of The Total Environment, 2021, 第 6 作者 (5) Chemistry of new particle formation and growth events during wintertime in suburban area ...
14. Liu, L., M. He, W. Wan, and M.-L. Zhang (2008), Topside ionospheric scale heights retrieved from Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere, and Climate radio occultation measurements, J. Geophys. Res 15. 高琴 劉立波 趙必強 萬衛星 張滿蓮 寧百齊(2008). 東亞中低緯地區...
Text Ⅱ Meteorology(氣象學)Unit Two Text Ⅰ Ships in the Desert (Edited)Text Ⅱ Climate Regions(氣候區)Unit Three Text Ⅰ Face to Face with Hurricane Camille Text Ⅱ Storms(風暴)Unit Four Text Ⅰ Weather: You Like It or Not Text Ⅱ Thomas Jefferson: Founding Father or Weatherman?Unit ...
主要研究興趣:大氣化學、全球環境和氣候變化、氣溶膠、沉積物、土壤黑碳等。在國際上首次從測量方法上區分了兩種不同類型的黑碳-焦碳和煙炱,並將熱光反射法從氣溶膠擴展到土壤、沉積物黑碳測量中。學術成果 科研項目 主持(和曾主持)科技部政府間國際科技創新合作重點專項(屬國家重大研發計畫)、科技部科技支撐...
Li. W., Wang. W, Zhou, Y., Ma, Y., Zhang, D., Sheng, L. Occurrence and Reverse Transport of Severe Dust Storms Associated with Synoptic Weather in East Asia, Atmosphere 2019, 10(1), 4; doi:10.3390/atmos10010004.Chai. Q., Wang. W*, Huang. Z. Analysing the cloud micro- and...
擔任Journal of Geophysical Research, Geomorphology, Aeolian Research, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, Ecohydrology, Science in Cold and Arid Regions和《中國沙漠》等國際著名雜誌審稿人。國家自然科學基金委通訊評審專家,歐洲地球物理學會(EGU)和國際風沙協會(ISAR)會員。
劉文俊,男,博士,雲南大學生態與環境學院教師,碩士生導師。研究興趣:生態系統碳收支對氣候變化回響,生態系統遙感。重點關注極端氣候事件對草地生態系統碳收支影響及其遙感監測研究 人物經歷 教育經歷: 2010年9月至2017年6月,中國科學院大學,生命科學學院,生態學專業理學博士 2004年9月至2008年7月,華南農...
張蘇平,女,教授,博士,碩士導師。曾從事天氣氣候、人工影響天氣、雲物理等套用研究。從事衛星遙感海霧監測、海霧年際、季節變化以及海洋天氣氣候研究。在International Journal of Climatology, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences、氣象學報、大氣科學、Chinese Journal of Oceanology and limnology,Journal. of Ocean ...
《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》編委 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》編委 中國科學院大氣物理研究所LASG國家重點實驗室客座研究員 中國科學院大氣物理研究所云降水物理與強風暴實驗室兼職研究員 浙江大學、成都信息工程大學兼職教授 中國氣象局培訓中心兼職教授/教員,中國氣象局工程諮詢專家 中國氣象科學...
《InternationalJournalofClimatology》《氣象科學》《MeteorologyandAtmosphericPhysics》《JournalofMeteorologicalResearch》審稿人 論著 1. Zhou, Yang, K. R. Thompson*, and Y. Lu, 2011: Mapping the Relationship between Northern Hemisphere Winter Surface Air Temperature and the Madden–Julian Oscillation. Mon....
Ren Xuejuan, Qian Yongfu, 2003, Numerical simulation experiments of the impacts of local land-sea thermodynamic contrasts on the SCS summer monsoon onset. Journal of Tropical Meteorology, 9(1):1-8。楊修群,郭燕娟,徐桂玉,任雪娟,2002, 年際和年代際氣候變化的全球時空特徵比較。南京大學學報,38(...
[201] Zheng, Y., F. Tian, Z. Meng, M. Xue, D. Yao, L. Bai, X. Zhou, X. Mao, M. Wang, 2016: Survey and multi-scale characteristics of wind damage caused by convective storms in the surrounding areas of the capsizing accident of cruise ship "Dong Fang Zhi Xing", Meteorology (...
7. Extreme Dust Storms in 1523 AD in North China. Asian Geographer, 2012, 29: 77-87.8. Water-level Observations of Lake Weishan-Zhaoyang-Nanyang in China over 1814-1902 AD. Lake and Reservoir Management, 2009, 25: 131-135.9. The Possible Climatic Impact in North China of the AD 1600...