Sarina Paris(加拿大女歌手)

Sarina Paris(加拿大女歌手)

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Sarina Paris,1973年12月 22出生於義大利,是一位Dance-pop加拿大女歌手。



  • 外文名:Sarina Paris
  • 國籍:義大利
  • 出生日期:1973,12. 22
  • 職業:歌手


以下是英文相關資料:Sarina Paris is a Canadian pop vocalist of Italian descent. In 1996, while participating in a project aimed at teaching Italian children to sing in English, she was discovered by a representative of EMI's Italian division, and began her career as a recording artist. Her initial single, Look at Us, did not hit the Top 40 of the Billboard Hot 100, despite its great amount of airplay in 2001. Soon afterward, she released her debut album, Paris*Sarina. She is currently signed with Capitol Records.During the period when Look At Us was receiving much radio airplay (March/April 2001), most listeners did not know whether the artist's name was Sabrina Paris or Sarina Paris. Since she had not been very well-known in America in 2001, many DJs announced her name as Sabrina.Sarina toured with LaToya Jackson in various parts of Hawaii in May 2004. Although her website has been replaced by a lawyer's website, Sarina is indeed alive, though her music career is on hold, as is her movie, television show, and album production. Although Sarina did release a new song several years ago entitled, You Are My Valentine which was featured on her website, the song is currently only available on EuroBeats Vol.3. No new songs or album was released after her song.Paris' singing voice has an odd quality that many listeners and reviewers have noted, to the effect that she often sounds as though her voice is synthesized, even when it is not.
sarina parissarina paris
Sarina Paris是個義大利血統的加拿大歌手,1996在她參加一個教義大利孩子唱英語歌曲的活動中,她被EMI在義大利的公司代理人發掘,從此開始了她的歌手生涯。儘管她的第一首單曲look at us在2001年得到了極高的點擊率,但依然沒能突破 the billboard hot 100 的前40名。不久後她就發行了她的處女專輯Paris Sarina。 並低調地與Capitol唱片公司簽訂了契約。
其間,她的look at us在很多電台播放(2001年3月/4月),但多數的聽眾不知道這位歌手到底是叫sarina paris還是paris sarina。在2001年當她在美國還不為人所知的時候許多DJ都稱她sarina。
2004年5月,sarina與latoya jackson 玩遍了夏威夷的許多地方。雖然她的個人主頁被一個律師的主頁給取代了,雖然她的音樂事業以及她的電影,電視節目,專輯暫時停滯了,但她人依舊還在。幾年後她發行了一首歌名為you are my valentine,並把它放在她的個人主頁上。這首歌僅上了eurobeats vol3. 除此外她再沒發任何新歌。


1. Look At Us
2. You
3. So I Wait
4. Just About Enough
5. Love In Return
6. True Colors
7. Angel
8. Dreamin' Of You
9. The Single Life
10. True Love
11. Romeo's Dead
12. All In The Way
13. I Love You
sarina parissarina paris


